With Me

With Me by Gabbie S. Duran

Book: With Me by Gabbie S. Duran Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gabbie S. Duran
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she nods her head. “Whenever I can’t visit you I’ll make sure you and your mommy can come visit me. Okay?” he declares, giving her a forced smile, as if that is going to take all her worries away.
    Her eyes are locked onto his. “When do you leave?” she numbly asks in more of a whisper, as if she has to force herself to ask him. It’s the type of question she would have eventually asked, so I’m not surprised. Although I already knew the answer, I brace myself for her to hear his response.
    “The day after tomorrow, really early in the morning. So we only have the rest of today and tomorrow to spend together,” his answer paining me as I watch her absorb his response.
    The unshed tears I’d seen in her eyes earlier are streaming down her face. My heart feels like it’s once more plummeted to the pit of my stomach. She wraps her little arms tightly around Joseph’s neck, burying her face in the crook of his neck to continue crying. The sight making my own tears come down.
    He continues holding her as he rubs his hand up and down her back. I can only sit here, allowing them to comfort each other. I understand the pain she’s feeling right now, knowing that he has to leave soon. I never wanted my little baby to have to experience the pain of knowing that he’s leaving her as well. I had gone through that pain once when Joseph left the first time. When he was finally gone it tore at my heart for days, even months, waiting to see him again.
    I never wanted my Josephina to have to experience the same thing, but no matter how hard I tried to prevent it, it’s happening. My poor little girl’s heart was going to be broken at such a young age and I have no control of it. As I continue watching them, I know I’m going to have to stay strong for the both of us. I’ll have to force myself to glue the shattered pieces together when he leaves. Just like the first time.



    I ARRIVE AT Kasey’s place, walking up to the front door with the large bag of items I had brought with me to surprise Kasey and Josephina, the Internet guy following closely behind me. I called her an hour ago to tell her I would be arriving soon. I’d left out the part that I had scheduled an appointment for nine a.m. for her Internet to be installed. I didn’t want to give her a chance to protest my decision.
    Knocking as I reach the door, with the technician standing at my side, I wait for Kasey to open her door after firmly knocking on it again. I glance at the technician and he has his eyebrows raised as he questionably looks at me. I ignore him and continue to wait.
    Within seconds Kasey answers and when she sees me, her eyes light up. I love seeing this reaction from her. It reminds me of the Kasey I grew up with. Something I’ve loved seeing the last couple of days I’ve spent with her and Josephina. However, when she sees the technician standing next to me she grows concerned.
    “Good morning, Kasey. Can I come in, please?” I politely ask her, hoping to distract her from staring at the technician.
    Taking another quick glance at the both of us, I see her body relax, opening the door to allow us both in.
    The technician follows me in the building, but I stay at Kasey’s side when she closes the door. “Kasey, this guy is here to set up your Internet,” I say, pointing my chin at the technician looking around the interior of the building.
    I watch as her face grows confused, “But, I didn’t order Internet,” she says, looking at me, obviously irritated. Her hands are on her hips as she narrows her eyes, most likely already figuring out what I’m doing.
    I’ve seen her do it with Josephina to silently scold her. Although it might work with our little girl, it isn’t going to work with me. That expression doesn’t scare me. It only makes me smile seeing how cute it makes her look. She looks like a fierce little pixy fairy planning my demise.
    Holding my chuckle in, I tell her, “I know. I did. I want

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