With Me

With Me by Gabbie S. Duran Page B

Book: With Me by Gabbie S. Duran Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gabbie S. Duran
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I’ve brought with me. “What is all this?” she confusedly asks, taking in all the objects.
    “Just some presents I bought for you,” I casually say.
    She takes her lip in between her teeth as she continues to take everything in. “Joseph, I’ve already told you, I don’t feel comfortable accepting these expensive gifts from you.” She conveys her discomfort by looking down at the laptop like it’s going to bite her any minute. Josephina is already playing a game from one of the apps on her new mini, and from the excited squeal she makes, I know she’s passed the level.
    Kasey is still hesitantly standing to my side, glancing down at everything, then at me. “Kasey, please. I don’t care how much money I spent on them. All that matters is how much we’re all going to benefit from them. I know you said you didn’t need a laptop, but I didn’t like the idea of you not having one of your own for your business. I’ve already set up the software you need to help you manage your expenses and it comes with a video tutorial in case you need it. I have an iPad, as well as an iPhone like you. So I'll be able to FaceTime with you girls every day. That way I won’t feel left out with Josephina,” I explain. She’s still looking at me with uncertainly, so I continue. “Kasey, please? I might not be able to be here physically, but if I can at least see her on a screen, I wouldn’t feel so guilty about being two thousand miles away,” I declare, the resentfulness of knowing it will only be through a screen is clear in my voice.
    Seeing her quickly sigh makes me smile because I know I’ve won. I like winning in these kinds of situations with Kasey. They might not be huge victories, but they’re big enough to make me feel better about leaving; even if just a little.
    “Okay, but at least let me pay you back for the laptop. I can’t pay you for the full amount today, but I can send it to you in installments,” she sternly demands, but I only chuckle as I shake my head at her.
    She’s about to argue, but I cut her off with a stern, “No,” as I hold my hand up to stop her from speaking.
    I watch her grow irritated, but I only ignore her as I reach for her hand to force her to sit on the couch. She doesn’t protest, but does grumble as she pulls the laptop towards her. With a smile I turn my focus on Josephina, acting as if I’m concentrating only on her, but in the corner of my eye I’m still watching Kasey.
    Her once tense body now relaxes, and she proceeds to explore the features on the laptop. I can see her eyebrows drawn down in concentration, making me smile knowing it’s another victory to add to the list.
    An hour later after I’ve showed both of them how to use the FaceTime feature and seeing the smile of Josephina’s excited face when we test it, proves every penny I spent was worth it.
    We play with their new toys for another hour and Kasey decides to cook lunch when Josephina voices her hunger. After we’ve eaten, Kasey and I play the X-box with Josephina for another hour. I take in their smiles and laughter, trying to absorb them deep into my memory; knowing it will be a while until I physically see both of them in person. The thought hurts more than I expected it to.
    We spend the rest of the day together. We take a walk around town as Josephina shows me all her favorite places to explore, followed by eating dinner and ice cream for dessert. The day couldn’t have gone better, but on the way back to Kasey’s I see Josephina starting to get tired, her eyes growing droopy as she rubs at them. I can tell she’s desperately trying to fight off falling asleep and I know why. It’s the same reason why I don’t want the day to end. It’s the last night I get to spend with them.
    Upon arriving, I ask Kasey to allow me to put Josephina to bed. I selfishly want to be the last person she sees before she goes to bed tonight, but it’s more so I can keep the memory for myself as well.
    I sit with

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