Witch Glitch: Magic and Mayhem Book Two

Witch Glitch: Magic and Mayhem Book Two by Robyn Peterman

Book: Witch Glitch: Magic and Mayhem Book Two by Robyn Peterman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robyn Peterman
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal
correct," Simon added with a blush and a chuckle. "It was awfully smelly at night for about ten years before Roger helped me put a plug in it—so to speak."
    This could not be happening. There was no way in hell I was going to be doctored by Roger the butt plug wielding boob ogler.
    "I'll just go to another town to get my head shrunk," I told them.
    "You'll have to go to another state for someone who can deal with magical beings," Simon said as he helped an older mountain lion Shifter to a seat. "The closest one I know of is in Florida."
    "Maybe there's a witch around here who can take me on," I muttered as I searched the crowd for Daaaaad, Hildy and Baba Yaga. Where in the hell were they?
    "Interesting you say that," Simon said thoughtfully. "I've detected the presence of another witch in the area."
    "Well, there is kind of another witch in the area," I admitted and wondered if Hildy wanted her presence known.
    "Really?" Wanda asked concerned. "Is she after your job?"
    "Absolutely not," I assured her and Simon. "She’s a good witch. Oh and my cellmate, Sassy from the pokey is here for a visit—hopefully a very short one. But neither of those witches want my job."
    "Good," Simon said with relief. "Witch showdowns are quite frightening."
    "Buttbomb explosion frightening?" I asked with a smirk.
    "Yep, big ones," he replied with a laugh. "Should we get started here?"
    "We should," I told Simon as we walked to the front of the crowd.
    "Is there a reason we're meeting outside?" he asked as he gestured for all to take a seat.
    "Sassy the Shitastic is in the basement digging info out of Baba Yaga's warlock's brains. One of the little assmonkeys let the honey badger go free. There's a fine chance I won't have a house in the next hour, so I figured we'd be safer in the yard."
    "Good thinking," Simon casually congratulated me as if I'd told him I'd eaten all my veggies. "However the witch I sensed…"
    A gardenia scented wind blew up from out of nowhere and hundreds of tiny teal and hot pink birds zipped in and out of the crowd. Silver and gold glitter rained down and I rolled my eyes.
    The Shifters danced around and waved at me with joy.
    "It's not me," I yelled above the chatter, but no one heard or they just didn't care. Goddess, was this how she always made her entrances? I was clearly slacking.
    "I'm baaaaaaaaaack!" Hildy squealed to a shocked and delighted crowd as she floated above making sure she was out of touching range.
    "Hold that thought Simon," I said as I shook my head at my Aunt's over the top entrance.
    My Daaaaaad stood below her, grinning like an idiot. Thankfully he was no longer sporting my yoga pants. He was in jeans and a nice button down shirt.
    "It's Hildy," Deedee shouted with glee. "And she's transparent!"
    "I'm a ghost!" she explained to the excited yet wary Shifters.
    "Are you here to stay?" Little Bo asked as he reached up to touch her.
    "No touching," Daaaaad said as he gently pushed Bo's hands down. "She'll freeze your ass off."
    "He's right," Hildy said sadly. "You can look but not touch."
    "Oh my Goddess." Wanda dropped the tray of cookies and paled. "Does Chuck know?"
    "Does Chuck know what?" I asked as I searched the crowd for him.
    I didn't see him and worried for a brief second he might be hanging in a tree, but he had promised Mac he wouldn't off himself until the danger had passed.
    "I don't know how long I can stay," Hildy told the rapt group. "But we will make the most of my visit while I'm here."
    Hildy scanned the crowd as she flew above. Her smile turned to a frown as if she couldn't find what she was searching for.
    "Not everyone is here," she said with a pout.
    "I'm pretty sure they are," I replied.
    "No. Someone is missing," she insisted as she flew frantically around the excited crowd.
    "She's talking about Chuck," Wanda whispered in my

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