Sold To The Dragons (A BBW Paranormal Romance Book 1)

Sold To The Dragons (A BBW Paranormal Romance Book 1) by Amira Rain, Simply Shifters

Book: Sold To The Dragons (A BBW Paranormal Romance Book 1) by Amira Rain, Simply Shifters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amira Rain, Simply Shifters
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    I immediately set my coffee cup beside me on the stone bench, my gaze on Marielle. "What do you know that I don't? Please, please fill me in. Though whatever little adventure might be in store for us, you can already count me in."
    She laughed, tipping her head back, revealing her long, slender neck. "Now, I said I had a hint about what the plan to free Tom might be. And I said it might involve a little adventure for us both. But before I spill, something tells me I should probably wait until things are set in stone first, before you get your hopes-”
    "Completely too late. My hopes are already very up. Because this sounds like it may be just what I need. I can't help free Tom; I can't attempt to show any bravery like the men. But maybe a little adventure before I settle down into impending motherhood, which will hopefully be soon, is just what I need to fulfill this...whatever strange desire I've had lately. Whatever it is that's making me feel like I have something to prove to myself lately. So, please, Marielle. Spill. Spill your guts."
    She laughed again, except it was actually more of a little giggle, a pleasantly surprising sound to hear from a woman normally so refined and dignified. "Okay. I'll 'spill my guts.' But remember, this is just what I think the plan to free Tom will be. Just based on a few conversations I've had with Alec, and a conversation Alec told me he had with Blake earlier this morning."
    Alec was Marielle's husband, and also a soldier in Tom's shifter army.
    I nodded. "Okay. I promise not to think of anything you say as set in stone, then, but I do definitely want to hear your thoughts."
    "All right, then. I guess I'll start with Alec, and the interesting skill he's developed lately. Interesting and maybe a little unbelievable. I wouldn't have believed it myself if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes."
    "What is it?"
    "Well, lately, Alec has developed an incredibly rare shifter gift. The gift of being able to become invisible for short periods of time, both while in shifter form and in human form. For a while, he's had some clues that he might have this gift. Just little things like once during a fight with a few Destroyers, he thought he might have become invisible for a second or two. But he wasn't quite sure. He thought it might have been a very strange trick of the sunlight.
    “Then, a few months ago, the same thing happened, and this time, he was sure of it. So, he started trying to develop this new skill in earnest. He started trying to practice becoming invisible just by using his mind and willing it to happen. But he wasn't very successful. At least not until this past week. When Tom was taken hostage, Alec really set to work trying to develop his gift, knowing that it might help in a rescue. He didn't tell Blake and Steven about his efforts, though, not wanting to disappoint them if he couldn't develop his gift to a point that it could be helpful.
    “But then yesterday, when it was decided that some plan to free Tom must be set in stone, and that a council meeting to do this would happen today, Alec knew it was now or never. He went to a very secluded forested area just outside of town, so he could focus completely and concentrate, and he worked all night trying different mental techniques that might help him achieve invisibility at will. And by morning, one of his techniques was successful. He was able to become invisible for several minutes at a time, just as invisible as air. Though still able to walk, and run, and move things, and so on, just like when not invisible."
    "That's incredible."
    With her green eyes sparkling in the bright sun, Marielle smiled. "It really is. Alec raced home to show me, and I truly almost fainted when I saw him do it. Now finally sure that he might be able to really help in a mission to free Tom, he found Blake and told him, and Blake invited him to the council meeting this afternoon. They also had a

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