along the beach chatting easily. Suddenly the door to
Abby’s house banged open and a mattress slid down the steps to the
ground. Abby wiped her forehead, and, smiling brightly, waved at
them. “Cleaning house are you?” called Wanda as they walked up to
her step.
    “Trying,” laughed Abby as she wiped the sweat
from her forehead. “I am now regretting that I didn’t use that gym
membership more often.”
    “Are you throwing this out Abby?”
    “That and more Keith, I have way too much
furniture in this house and much of it has to go.”
    “Aren’t you going to try to sell it?”
    “Under different circumstances I might Wanda,
but I really want to get this place ship shape as quickly as I can.
I need to get squared away so I can work, and I want to have the
rest taken care of before I start. Once I get to working I know
everything else will get pushed to the back burner.”
    “Would you consider donating what you don’t
    “Sure, what do you need?”
    “Not me love,” laughed Wanda, “our church.
Sometimes folks are in need for one reason or another and we try to
have a few things available, if you see what I mean.”
    “The church is welcome to whatever I don’t
want,” replied Abby easily as she leaned against the doorjamb. “Do
they have some way of picking it up or do I have to find a way to
deliver it?”
    “I’ll take it away for you Abby,” smiled
Keith. “Do you need any help in there?”
    “Sure do, come on in and I’ll put the kettle
    As she led them inside Keith saw the box
spring on the stairs. “Is that going out too?”
    “Yes sir, you have no idea what I went
through to get it that far.”
    “Just leave it there for now Abby, after we
have tea I’ll bring my truck and take it away for you.”
    “That would be absolutely wonderful Keith.
Come on up and I’ll show you what I have in mind for the place.”
She led the way upstairs where she showed them the empty room and
the colors she was going to paint. Abby took them to each room and
explained her intentions as she went. Each piece of furniture had a
paper taped to it with its designated room written there. “Anything
I don’t think I have a use for has no paper taped to it.”
    Abby also explained that she wanted to
incorporate as much of Bride Murphy’s life as possible. “It seems
to me that someone should recognize her contribution to the world.
She had a lot of very beautiful clothes and I am thinking I might
just get some of them altered to fit me.”
    “Now Bride would be thrilled to hear you say
that,” laughed Wanda. “She always believed that a person should
dress as well as she could afford. Bride used to say that being
well dressed made you feel a lot better, and that made the days
more enjoyable.”
    “I remember the first time I heard her say
that,” mused Keith. “It was years ago and they had just moved in to
the house. Bride came out dressed as though she was ready for
church, but she was just hanging out the wash. My father observed
that she was a bit over dressed for the task and she laughed at
him. ‘I’ve just had a row with my sister,’ she said, ‘and this is
my way of getting back at her. I feel so good dressed like this,
and I am having such a wonderful time, it will surely drive her
nuts when she finds out.’ It never did make any sense to me.”
    “It makes perfect sense to me Keith,” smiled
Abby, “and I shall heed her advice well. I will get some of her
nicer things taken in to fit me. Do you know a good seamstress
    “I’m a fair hand with a sewing machine myself
Abby. I’d be glad to help you.”
    “Perfect,” laughed Abby as she led the way
back to the kitchen. “I’ll put the things I want to keep aside in
some of those old trunks, and when we’re bored to tears this winter
we can take them out and play dress up.”
    After they had tea Keith came with his truck
and hauled away two loads of furniture Abby did not want. There was
still a lot of

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