Wild Irish Rebel

Wild Irish Rebel by Tricia O'Malley

Book: Wild Irish Rebel by Tricia O'Malley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tricia O'Malley
in her hands.
    "Because you know who you are?" Fiona asked.
    "Maybe. Or maybe it is because I went through the experience of giving birth and know that I survived. Or, perhaps it is simply getting true validation that our souls do come around again. It's comforting, you know? Kind of makes everything not seem so serious." Morgan shrugged, wishing that she could put her feelings into words better.
    "Sure and I can understand that. There is great comfort in knowing that this isn't it for us. It's why people have sought out religion for thousands of years. We all seek to gain the knowledge that we are going to be okay."
    "Yes, that's true. I…I think it will help me to not take myself so seriously," Morgan said.
    Fiona turned and raised an eyebrow at her.
    "You mean with Patrick?"
    Heat crept up Morgan's cheeks and she nodded. Tucking her hair behind her ear, she thought about it a bit more. "With Patrick, or with anything. I obsess over what people will think of me, if they will like me, if I'll be accepted. It's one of the reasons that I stay away from forming relationships. I'm worried that people won't like me or that I'll let them down. I think that I'll be able to ease some of that anxiety now. Maybe." Morgan shrugged again and smiled up at Fiona as she brought her a pot of breakfast tea.
    "That's a very astute observation," Fiona said.
    "Ah, well, Baird's been helping me, I guess."
    "He's a good man," Fiona observed.
    "He is. I do feel comfortable with him and I love him and Aislinn together."
    "Yes, they make a good team. He's steadfast and logical which makes a good contrast to Aislinn's dreamy, creative side."
    "Yes, they balance each other well." Morgan blew on her tea before pouring cream into the cup, watching the swirl of light and dark liquids mix together.
    "And how do you think Patrick will balance you?"
    Morgan felt a sliver or excitement go through her before panic set in. She gripped the mug and stared down at its contents, unsure of what she thought.
    "I don't know. I've never been in a relationship before. I don't know how to," Morgan admitted.
    "Why don't you start by making him dinner?" Fiona suggested as she slid a plate with a Full Irish in front of Morgan. Morgan stared down at all of the food in dismay and then looked up at Fiona, her heart in her eyes.
    "I…I don't know how to cook."
    Fiona stopped and stared at her, her mouth open in surprise. She clenched her hands into fists and placed them on her hips.
    "Now that is positively un-Irish. Alright then, I see we have a lot of work to do. Can you stay here today? I'll teach you a meal and one trick for controlling your powers when Patrick kisses you. It will at least start you in the right direction."
    Warmth spread through Morgan and she smiled up at Fiona, grateful for her, happy that Aislinn had pushed her into coming out here. It had been the right step for her and Morgan wondered why she had fought it for so many months.
    "I'm assuming Flynn doesn't need me today as it's already mid-morning?"
    Fiona lifted a hand and waved it in the air.
    "I told him that I was stealing you for today. He was fine with it."
    For a moment, Morgan felt angry that Fiona had made this decision for her. Then she remembered that she wasn't supposed to take things so seriously, and she let the anger go. Flynn would understand. She'd still be able to work with him next week. It would all be okay. Blowing out a small breath, she smiled at Fiona before digging in to her eggs before they got cold.
    "So what do you eat then?" Fiona asked.  "You've a lovely figure, but I wonder if you are getting enough nutrition."
    Morgan rolled her eyes and laughed, but it felt good, knowing that someone cared about her health.
    "I eat fairly simply. Apples, carrots, those kinds of grab-and-go healthy foods. Sandwiches with some meat. That type of stuff. I don't eat a lot so my grocery bill isn't much." Morgan shrugged.
    "Do you know how to cook meat?" Fiona asked, her head cocked.

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