Wild Child

Wild Child by Needa Warrant, Miranda Rights

Book: Wild Child by Needa Warrant, Miranda Rights Read Free Book Online
Authors: Needa Warrant, Miranda Rights
ground his cock into me up to the hilt. I felt myself starting to come again.
    "Kima, close your eyes. I want you to concentrate on my cock filling your body. Remember, I own you - heart, body, and soul. You understand?" V growled, his words a deep, husky sound.
    I closed my eyes, the hot feeling starting again. My entire body felt on fire. I obeyed him, fearing the bond we were creating would break if I opened my eyes. He touched me in ways I couldn't imagine and our souls connected.
    He opened up to me; we were two lonely people who had found each other. I knew right then and there I’d found my soul mate and, as we climaxed together, I knew he was the only man I ever wanted inside of me.
    Afterward he took me into his arms and held me. I sighed, content to be cuddled up to him.
    "V, will it always be this great?"
    V looked into my eyes "Yeah, Babe, I think it will be."
    Arms around each other, we fell asleep to waves softly lapping against the boat swaying us like a cradle.

    ~ ☠ ☠ ☠ CHAPTER 11 ☠ ☠ ☠ ~
    V had spent two days with Kima on the boat. They mainly explored each others bodies and had mad, passionate sex. Sometimes they just made love, their eyes locked. They stayed in bed most of the time, except when they stopped to eat. However, the boat engine V was supposed to be working on being ignored, no closer to being fixed.
    Kima was still upset over her horse and hated her father. V had decided she was going to stay with him - she was something special and he wasn't going to lose her. He still wasn't sure if it could work, but he was going to try.
    He had yet to ask her to be his old lady. His thoughts drifted to the clubhouse with Roxy, Pam, Sadie, and some of the nastier bitches. He wasn't sure Kima could deal with them, but she was a fighter; plus she’d have Elena to help her cope. Elena was one tough biker chick - loved by some, but feared by many women in a few clubs.
    They were lounging in bed, snuggling after another passion filled round of hot sex the third morning. V stretched like a big cat, yawning.
    He looked sleepily at her, "Babe, I gotta fix this engine to get paid. So, I think a move down to the cabin would be best. That way I can work and know you’re safe."
    Kima, who was lazily trailing her fingers up and down his chest, stopped what she was doing and narrowed her eyes at him.
    "I can take care of myself, V. If you don't want me around, fine."
    Shit! That hadn’t come out right. V rolled on top of her and looked into her eyes. "Babe, I meant we - as in us together. You , as my old lady. I ain't leaving you."
    Kima looked up at him, wide eyed. "An old lady? You want me to be yours? Yes!" she blurted excitedly.
    V laughed, nuzzling her neck, and made a husky, growling sound. He then looked back up at her, his eyes shining "I ordered a ‘property of’ made for you, and there are a few rules you need to learn, but we're gonna take this nice and easy. You good with that?"
    "Yes! Elena can help me learn to be a good old lady. I'll be dancing and earning my own money. It’ll be great, V. I promise you."
    She reached up and pulled his head down so she could kiss him. V felt himself drowning in her excitement.
    He was not about to let Kima dance, but decided he would wait until they had a more secure relationship to tell her that. She stubbornly had her heart set on dancing. He made enough money, and the cabin was paid up for the summer and winter. Besides, her body was for his eyes only.
    Kima looked around the cabin, obviously happy. She beamed, "V, I love this boat! What's her name?"
    "Dream Catcher," V answered, smiling at her before he playfully smacked her ass. "Now let’s get up and get moving."
    Later she found herself back on his bike, holding V tightly, heading for Sea Woods.
    ~ ☠ ☠ ☠ ~
    The cabin that was to be my new home was nice. Elena and Jo really made it look cozy and inviting. They had cleaned and placed candles all around. It was just the

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