Wicked Thing (C.O.A Series Book 2)

Wicked Thing (C.O.A Series Book 2) by Kim Cormack

Book: Wicked Thing (C.O.A Series Book 2) by Kim Cormack Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kim Cormack
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bed. Grey crawled under the covers, grabbed the remote and started listing off the pay per view movies. It was the middle of the afternoon on a beautiful day, but he had the right idea. A long stay in the in-between always left them feeling drained.
    Lexy’s stomach grumbled and she suggested, “Let’s order lunch from somewhere, I’m starving.”
    Grey smiled and sighed, “I could eat a beef dip. I don’t usually order those but it sounded good. Well, not from this hotel’s restaurant after Markus’s review, of course.”
    Lexy grabbed the pile of takeout menus, slipped under the covers beside him and teased, “It sounded good to me too. It’s the power of suggestion.”
    They bickered over what to order for a little while and once the feat was accomplished they bartered over which movie they were going to watch. He won by saying he’d massage her back until their order arrived. Usually in this situation it was the boy that wanted the action movie and the girl that was looking to watch a romantic one, but they were a different pair.
    Lexy moved her hair to one side and chuckled, “Start on the left side my minion.”
    Grey chuckled as he obediently kneaded her weary muscles with his magical hands. He was stoked to watch the Notebook for the tenth time and didn’t care if he had to win the argument by bribery. Lexy in turn didn’t care if he won it, knowing he was going to fall asleep as soon as he was finished his lunch and she’d be able to watch anything she wanted.
    They would be in G-rated territory now for a couple of weeks at least with his memory freshly wiped. She sighed as his talented hands kneaded her shoulders and scolded herself when the urge to take his hands and move them elsewhere popped into her mind. There was a perfectly timed knock on the door as their meal arrived. The two of them ate lunch while they watched the sentimental movie and once their garbage was cleaned up they snuggled up under the covers together to watch the ending.
    He leaned in, inhaled the scent of her hair and whispered, “Your hair still smells like the flowers from that bath.” He cuddled up to her and mumbled, “I just think you can do way better than him.”
    Lexy couldn’t help herself as she softly replied, “Who do you think I should be with?”
    He snuggled up to her and chuckled, “It can’t be me that would be creepy wouldn’t it? Could you imagine the drama that would cause?”
    He could hear her thoughts but couldn’t see the eye roll that comment had caused. Lexy turned around to give him the stink eye and he was out cold. Of course he was…
    She remained there in his arms, unable to sleep after that last comment. Once again he hadn’t meant to hurt her, but he’d given her the equivalent of a good gut punch. He’d just made up her mind for her. It was time to find that distraction. First things first. She snuck out of bed, padded across the beige industrial carpet into the bathroom, to brush her teeth and fix herself up a bit. Lexy applied her red lipstick, stared at her reflection for a moment and then glanced back at her Handler’s peacefully sleeping form. She couldn’t allow herself to feel guilty. He wouldn’t. No, she couldn’t keep doing this with him. She had to get on with her life. Forty years loving someone that forgot each time they slept together was more than enough. She crept past her sleeping Handler, grabbed the keys off of the counter and winced as they jingled and he stirred. Lexy remained frozen in place until she was sure she hadn’t woken him up, and then grabbed for the bag she’d kicked off of the bed. She always packed one pair of sexy heels because kick ass shoes were her only girly obsession. Lexy snuck out the door with barefeet and her heels in one of her hands without making a sound. Then she darted down the hall towards the elevator, slipping her heels on before she pressed the button. The door opened immediately. It was as though it had been sitting on her

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