inside I groaned my consent. He ran his tongue down my neck, in my ear. And then his hands were everywhere. Under my shirt, caressing my stomach. My breasts. He picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. The door shut on the noises from the living room. Excitement mixed with apprehension. I knew the outcome of being alone in his room—drunk—but somehow I couldn’t make myself care enough to stop.
Collin dropped me on the four poster bed and rolled on top of me. His body pressed against mine, crushing the air from my lungs.
He slid his tongue in my mouth, just in time for me to vomit.
Chapter 15
Luna sipped her lukewarm water, waiting for James to arrive and wishing she’d died instead, yet thankful enough to be alive to exact her revenge. With mild interest, she watched the waitress make her way to the table for the third time in as many minutes. “Look, kid. We have a no loitering policy. Either order or get out.”
Long ago, Luna learned that showing emotion incited an adult’s disgust and outrage. Already, her black clothes pegged her as a misfit. A troubled teen not worth an ounce of respect. Needing to stay for James, she combatted this stereotype with a calm voice. “I’m waiting for a friend.”
The waitress’s hard expression softened. She tucked a graying strand of hair behind her ear and sighed. “Five more minutes.”
Luna took the five minutes to feed the ache in her belly. The formation of the Dozen had given her hope for the first time in her life. Yet, it became obvious from the start that Gemini garnered everyone’s efforts and affections. She was easy to hate.
Gemini Baker, senior at Prairie Flats High School.
Straight-A student.
Part-time college student.
All-State Musician and grade-A bitch to Travis Stone.
Luna’d heard all about it. She’d even tried to be supportive of the girl who had everything, yet wanted none of it. A roof over her head, a great school career and the hottest guy alive at her beck and call.
Luna’s insides warmed at the thought of spending even one minute in Trav’s presence. A goal she planned on accomplishing in the very near future.
With Gemini out of the way, that became possible. Luna snatched onto this thought and focused on the prize. It was the reason she waited for James in this roadside dive. From the moment she met him online, she’d felt a kindred spirit. One who shared her pain, anger and frustration.
One who didn’t seem to fear acting on those feelings.
When she’d reached out to him in a private message, he’d been more than happy to track Gemini down for her.
* * *
I had lost time. A big chunk, I guessed, though I had no way of knowing for sure. The television didn’t work, my alarm clock sported a dead face, and my cell phone was gone.
There was nothing, then I was in my house, standing naked in front of the bathroom mirror. Goose bumps covered every inch of my body. A huge band of bruises started at my right shoulder and ended across my belly on the left side. One set across my bicep formed four parallel lines. Ugly stitches closed a gash in my wrist. I leaned forward and examined my black eye. Not too bad. Makeup should cover that while clothes would hide the rest.
Vaguely I wondered where my parents were. They’d been known to disappear for days when the runs were good at the casino. Not that I needed them. I’d been picking up the pieces of their lives for years already and managed just fine alone. That I had lost enough time to ruin my body? Now, that scared me.
I crawled into the shower, needing the warmth to massage my battered muscles. While the water washed away some of my pain, I sifted through my memories, trying to find my last full day.
Collin in the library.
Travis taking me home, tearing out of my driveway in a hot rage I’d never seen before.
What precipitated that? I couldn’t remember. Oh Lord, my head hurt.
Bed. My parents downstairs. Or were they? Yes, because the next morning they left,
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