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Book: Whisper by Kathleen Lash Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Lash
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    Kathleen Lash

    his perfect slumber after they’d enjoyed each other.
    It more than likely came from the scent of her desire wrapping around him in the warmth of his bed, making him content and calm. He’d never had a woman in his bed. Not in their house.
    He thought one day he’d get married and have his own private life, fulfilling needs while the kids surrounded him. That dream died at least five years ago. No woman would put up with his brothers and all their friends, let alone the occasional trouble.
    And his family came first. Always.
    A warm hand rested on his arm. He turned his head and found her crouched beside the recliner.
    “Are you awake?” she asked.
    “You hungry?”
    He gazed at her and those damned usual eyes.
    The urge to kiss her and pull her across his lap overwhelmed him. He wanted her. He would’ve wanted her if they’d met any other place under any other circumstance. “Yeah, I’m starving.”
    “You look comfortable. Would you like to eat in here?”
    He shook his head and started the process of rising. She helped by taking the blanket and moving the pillows out from under his leg. He walked in the door a week ago, and there she was. He should probably be guarded about how natural it felt having her there. At his age however, when times seemed good, he tended not to question too much. He simply enjoyed the above average hours and days, facing the rest when it happened. And it always happened.
    No amount of preparation would make living through rough patches any more bearable, and he refused to dwell on potential problems. Life wasn’t a dress rehearsal. You enjoyed what you could, full tilt.


Chapter Eight
    Keith glanced around at those who’d gathered for Thanksgiving dinner. All the kids and a bunch of their friends filled the house. Laughter accompanied the scrape of forks against plates. He enjoyed seeing kids he hadn’t seen in a while, catching up on their lives while listening to accomplishments and mistakes. Maybe the accident forced him to do what he should’ve done sooner. In the future, he wouldn’t forget that spending time at home was more important than making money. He wouldn’t ever give up more vacation time to earn double wages.
    The meal surpassed anything in his memory.
    Turkey, dressing, potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, salad, sweet potatoes—the list continued.
    Desserts sat on the buffet, reminding them not to eat too much. Pumpkin pies, apple pies, strawberry pies, cheesecake and chocolate frosted brownies covered the entire surface. The meal took hours as everyone leisurely ate, picked at morsels and enjoyed sweets.
    After eight in the evening, some of the kids left to go to the movies. Those closer to the family, stayed to help clean up.
    With all the dishes done and Heather wanting to go down to the crypt with the guys for rehearsal, Whisper finally took a break and sat on the couch.
    Within minutes, she dropped off to sleep. She’d come over at dawn after working until two in the morning.
    No wonder she passed out.
    The recliner didn’t look nearly as comfortable as the couch so he hobbled over and sat next to her. He 87

    Kathleen Lash

    placed a pillow in his lap and carefully eased her head and shoulders onto it. She sighed contentedly, squirmed around and settled down. Stroking hair away from her forehead and face, lassitude and peace washed over him. With a throbbing leg, he remedied the situation by placing his cast on the coffee table.
    Mark came into the living room and stopped in his tracks. The kid probably questioned what the hell he was looking at. Keith wondered himself why it felt right having her in his lap, stroking her hair.
    Maybe it stemmed from the kids viewing him more like a father than a brother, and treating Whisper like a mother. Why shouldn’t mom and dad get cozy once in a while?
    Whisper started grousing and fidgeting. A nightmare of some nature caused the scared sounds coming from her

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