Anne Morrow Lindbergh: Her Life

Anne Morrow Lindbergh: Her Life by Susan Hertog

Book: Anne Morrow Lindbergh: Her Life by Susan Hertog Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Hertog
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After a three-month tour west to California, Anne and Charles pose in front of their Lockheed Sirius at the Los Angeles airport before their record-breaking transcontinental flight home to New York, March 21, 1930. Anne, the first woman to receive a glider pilot’s license, is now seven months pregnant. (AP/Wide World Photos)

Anne Morrow and Charles Lindbergh at Mitchell Field, Long Island, on their honeymoon, July 1929. (Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library)


Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr., surrounded by his great-grandmother Annie Cutter, his grandmother Elizabeth Morrow, and his mother, Anne, January 1931. (UPI/Corbis-Bettmann)

The road leading up to the Morrow estate on Deacon’s Point on North Haven, an island off the coast of Maine. The house was built at the same time as Next Day Hill, while Dwight Morrow was Ambassador to Mexico, circa 1929-1930
    (Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library)

On a survey tour north to Asia, Anne and Charles arrive in Ottawa, Canada, August 1931, before crossing the icy tundra toward Alaska. (Roger-Viollet/Liaison Agency)

Anne posing with Eskimos in Point Barrow, Alaska, August 1931. (Underwood & Underwood/Corbis-Bettmann)

Anne and Charles land in Aklavik, Alaska, en route to Japan and China, August 1931. (AP/Wide World Photos)

In September 1931, Anne and Charles arrived safely in Japan after a two-month-long flight through the northwest tundra of Canada to Alaska and down the Bering Strait. Much of the territory had never been seen from the air, and constant walls of fog forced them to fly blindly, with only Anne and her Morse-code radio to guide them. (Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library)

Anne and Charles at a tea ceremony in Tokyo. Anne is moved by the spirituality of the ritual, which leads to self-knowledge through silence and meditation, a theme that will come to dominate her work. (Corbis/Underwood & Underwood)

Anne addresses the public on the state of the flooded regions in China, on behalf of the Federal Council of Churches, February 1932. (Culver Pictures)

In September of 1932, Anne and Charles and the Morrow family gather, as usual, at their estate on North Haven, Maine, for their end-of-summer reunion. Elisabeth, now thirty, is frail with heart disease; Constance, eighteen, is a student at Smith; and Dwight Jr., twenty-four, is a student at Amherst. (Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library)

After Jon’s birth, Anne resumes flying with Charles as his copilot. She smiles in the cockpit of their newly equipped Lockheed Sirius, which will take them to Europe, Africa, and South America on a five-month survey tour of potential passenger air routes, summer 1933. (Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library)

Anne Lindbergh in a kayak in Holstein, Greenland, during the Lindberghs’ survey flight of 1933. (Lindbergh Picture Collection, Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University Library)

Anne and Charles land in Leningrad in September 1933 on a survey tour through Europe. Here she poses with a group of Russian sailors. (Popperfoto)

Anne and Charles arrive in Miami, Florida, on December 16, 1933, after their prolonged flight to South America and through the Caribbean. Anne is glad to be back after five months away from home. Her baby, Jon, waits for her in Englewood. (AP/Wide World Photos)

Charles Augustus Jr. celebrating his first birthday on June 22, 1931. (Popperfoto)

Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr., was abducted from his nursery in the new Lindbergh home in Hopewell, New Jersey, on March 1, 1932. The State Troopers and federal investigators comb the crime scene for clues. (UPI/Corbis-Bettmann)

Charles Lindbergh is among the

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