Tales Of The Sazi 02 - Moon's Web

Tales Of The Sazi 02 - Moon's Web by C.t. Adams . Cathy Clamp

Book: Tales Of The Sazi 02 - Moon's Web by C.t. Adams . Cathy Clamp Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.t. Adams . Cathy Clamp
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think of any decision I would alter had I known what would happen. Jocko has always lived under the knife. He knew he skirted a bunch of the health and zoning laws. I shouldn't feel responsible— but I did. Another glance behind us cured any soul searching. I dove to the floor and flattened against the carpet. I didn't have time to think about it right then. We'd picked up a tail.
    "I see it," Bobby said when I swore and dived. "Just stay down and shut up." The cruiser was following about five car lengths back. If I was a betting man— and I am— I'd bet that Bobby was on a list of "known accomplices" of me, Leo Scapolo and his boys. Since both of us were supposed to have died, Bobby's presence here would be noticed. It probably had been noticed by Sommers. So, I kept my body flat on the floor. Actually, it did feel better on my back that way.
    "You know, if you'd teach me that illusion thing where they don't notice me, we could drive like normal people." I whispered the words, in case there was more than a police scanner in that cop car.
    "Yeah, right. Like that's going to happen. Maybe if you agree to start playing by the rules you can have some of the toys, Joe. I don't give gasoline to firebugs."
    I guess we just agreed not to even speak the old names. Yeah, probably safer.
    "What happens when we get to Carmine's then? His boys are going to want to look in the back of the van. Everyone can be bought, Bobby. Leo Scapolo's old lieutenants in Las Vegas probably have a price on my head. And if they don't, Prezza's goons in New Jersey do."
    "I said I've got it covered."
    Oh, he had it covered all right. It turned out that the clothing I thought I was wearing was a freaking illusion and I was totally naked in the van. That same illusion made me look like a dog to all of Carmine's guards. Bastard! I had to get dressed in a rush before we entered the house, because I was so not going to be naked around my former boss and I am not a dog! I was very displeased with Bobby, although I had to admit to enjoying scaring the crap out of one of the guards by lunging and barking at him when he used the metal detector on me. Bobby convinced them that I had a couple of stray bullets in my "dog" body. I was startled out of my memory as Carmine strode over to me with the weighty blur of a fast moving rhino. He bent down suddenly. He lifted the leg of my pants and let out an exasperated breath when he saw my derringer. He patted the back of my jeans. I let him. He found the Taurus. No problem. I wasn't trying to hide them. He let out a low growl that would do a Sazi proud.
    "Jesus! You people are dangerous, Mbutu." He got back on the radio. "Mike. Hey, Mike."
    "Yeah, Boss?" came the crackled reply. Hard to get a signal this far underground, even with the best equipment.
    "The next time a dog don't pass the wand, you call me before you let it in." I smiled in the silence.
    "Uh, sure, Boss."
    He waved to the assembled group. "Okay, everyone clear out. Go upstairs and blow off some steam for a while. Nobody leaves until I give the go." The men all looked at each other, not bothering to hide their annoyance.
    Carmine glared at them. "You heard me. I gotta talk to these boys before we do anything else. So, go for a swim, bowl a few lines or help yourself to the pool tables. One drink apiece limit and leave the weapons. I still need you all in top shape. Get moving."
    A few shrugged and a few rolled their eyes but they put down their guns and left. Bobby remained leaning with crossed arms against the wall. I just tried to stay standing.
    Once they filed out the door, Linda latched the deadbolt and came downstairs. I hadn't noticed before how haggard she looked. Her shiny blonde hair hung limply and her normally flawless skin was drawn and grey. The smile she gave me didn't reach her eyes.
    She sat down on the couch and Carmine started to join her when he stopped, grabbed a shotgun and tossed it my way fast enough it would have been nearly a blur to

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