Tales Of The Sazi 02 - Moon's Web

Tales Of The Sazi 02 - Moon's Web by C.t. Adams . Cathy Clamp Page B

Book: Tales Of The Sazi 02 - Moon's Web by C.t. Adams . Cathy Clamp Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.t. Adams . Cathy Clamp
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damned hair net!" Carmine's eyes had lightened in surprise and his mouth opened in shock when I mentioned the net. Linda nodded her head in agreement. "Oh, God! He's right, Carmine. I forgot to tell you about that. When I went to pick up Tony's things, I saw it. Those assholes in County Health made him put all that beautiful hair in a net."
    He turned his gaze to stare at Linda with a look of revulsion. Then he looked back to me. "He pours drinks for crissake!" he exploded suddenly. "They got him looking like a school lunchlady?" I nodded, and he shook his head. Burning coffee rode the air. "No problem. Done. I'll call in a few markers—
    or more like, tear up a few. I'll get Sommers put back on a beat so fast his head'll spin."
    "Just as long as his beat is across town. Do that, and I'm your man." He raised one finger. I've never quite figured out how to define the scent when someone is hiding something. Sort of peppery, but sweet and thick. It's tough to describe but easy to spot. "Not quite yet." The finger descended to level and pointed at Bobby. "First, magic man, you're going to heal him up." Bobby moved away from the wall with a shake of his head. "I can't do that. That's up to his pack leader. I'm not allowed to interfere with pack discipline."
    "His boss ain't here. You are. And you listen to me close, Mbutu. The only way I'm going to back off is if Tony is in charge. He can't even hold a fucking shotgun, for Christ's sake! How's he gonna take down this Sazi that can take Babs if he's not on top of his game? He's useless to me this way. So you patch him up or I call the boys back in and we go to war. Got it?"
    Carmine and Bobby had a staring match that finally made even me and Linda uncomfortable. Bobby's eyes were narrowed slits. Carmine knew he had the upper hand. I certainly wasn't going to argue. Bobby caved. "Fine. I'll get him back to his pack healer before we start out." Carmine shook his big head. He stood up and walked over to Bobby. One finger raised up and he poked Bobby in the chest hard enough to actually rock him back for a second.
    "Maybe you didn't hear me so good. I said you are going to heal him up. I saw what you did for Tony's girl at the airport. A one-minute miracle. Fine. I've got a minute to spare. I want it done before you leave here. Then I'll call off the boys. Joey has instructions that if I don't buzz the game room ten minutes from now, they're to turn this room into scrap metal with grenade launchers and none of us are going anywhere." I watched Bobby's mouth open. His eyes widened in shock. It wasn't a surprise to me. Carmine always has a back-up plan. If he knew Bobby was coming, he absolutely would have some way to destroy the room to kill Bobby. None of the underground rooms are weight bearing. They can be destroyed and sealed over to hide the bodies. I'd just be unfortunate collateral damage. I presumed he'd have a convenient escape plan for him and Linda. Or not. Maybe Joey would end up in charge and they'd lay waste to the state finding Babs's kidnapper in retaliation.
    Bobby let out a harsh breath of air. "Fine. Take off your shirt. You want to watch, Carmine? Fine, then watch."
    I had just removed my shirt and turned to look at Bobby. Linda gasped when she saw my back. Even Carmine hissed through closed teeth. "Goddamn, Tony! Do those go all the way down?" I glanced in the mirror. All of Carmine's high security rooms have mirrors. They aren't two-way or anything—
    well, some of them are— but it's to keep people from sneaking up on you. It's hard to draw down on someone when everyone's always watching.
    I finally saw what Asri had done to me. Yeah, they looked about as bad as they felt. The gashes on my back were obviously made by five toed claws. She had raked open the skin and muscle until the white of my ribs showed through in large patches. I was amazed that I hadn't lost any organs out the holes.
    "To the ankles," I said. Seeing them had made them start to hurt again.

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