
Whisper by Sarah Vistica

Book: Whisper by Sarah Vistica Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Vistica
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a long while. I was sent to the train station when he decided to be alone with his pain. A lady sat down next to me. I tried not to notice her she didn’t fit in with the modern passengers. She wore a poofed out dress with a wide brimmed hat matching the bodice of her dress.
    When I walked into the mansion it is already dark. Miss Brantshire greets me with a stern expression. Grabbing me by the arm she pulls me toward the stairs. It is not forceful, not in the way she would have wanted. “You should have been back an hour ago.” I rub my arm where her hand surely left a mark.
    “Master Caulder has called twice checking to make sure you returned safely, now I must go call your uncle to calm his nerves. Dinner is passed for the evening, it is best for you to settle yourself back into your room.” She says icily. Instead of reciprocating I breathe a puff of air, retreating to my room. Opening the door an unexpected surprise is sitting on the bed.

    The way he sat alarms me. He glances up with piercing blue daggers beneath glorious lashes. A glare so intense and menacing I want to run from the room. Luken gets to his feet carefully coming toward me. I broke my promise.
    “Hello, Avaya. I have been wondering if you were all right. I saw you leave with James.”
    Remaining silent I nod, staring as Luken staggers to me. Moving to the other side of the room I evade him not wanting to get too close. Staring at the floor to keep from tripping, he follows my movement.
    “He took me to visit my aunt Dana at her burial site.”
    “How lovely, did the living creature from a week ago meet up with you?”
    “Xavier? No he didn’t contact me. I thought we were passed the whole jealousy thing.” Luken is electrically charged.
    Jealousy crept into the shadows of Luken’s eyes. I realized where this is coming from. The strong electrical surge coursing through my body whenever he is near doesn’t help in this situation.
    He follows me cautiously to the couch leaning back composed. Luken sits straight and stiff. A thin straight line shapes his lips. Not even a smirk for me.
    “Are you and this Xavier courting?”
    “I told you, we are only ever going to be friends, he and I. Are you jealous of him because he can take me out on a date and you cannot?”
    Luken smirks darkly, “who says, I cannot take you on a date?”
    His glare freezes me in place. Luken floats around my room barely touching the wooden floor pacing. Both his hands are clasped behind his back, elegant and graceful in his posture. I couldn’t handle the distance any longer.
    I walk up to Luken inches from his blue lips. They weren’t blue before. I can feel his frozen cool breath on my face; barely touching him I say “he isn’t you, you’re the only one I want to go on a date with.”
    Right before we have a chance to seal the kiss, there is a knock at the door. Luken disappears from sight. He didn’t stay with me. Bethanne and Livia haul a cart into my room full of freshly cleaned linens.
    Livia walks around to the other side of the bed to help Bethanne dissemble the bedding placing the linens in a laundry bin. “Were you talking to someone in here?” Livia asks. They fluff the pillows stuffing them into the new pillow cases and shams. My new bed linens are green and black. “No. It’s just me.”
    Bethanne shrugs, signaling to Livia to let it go.
    In the morning I watch the sun rising from my bedroom window. The shadow lingered again. “Mind if I join you?”
    A male voice asks. Too caught up in watching the strange shadow at the edge of the woods, two eyes stare right at me. My heart pounds rapidly in my chest. Chills crawl up my spine in eerie waves.
    “Avaya are you all right darling?”
    Luken rushes to my side “No!” He grabs me spinning me around to face him. Luken searches my eyes hysterically. “Stay away from the window.”
    “I’m not used to seeing you in the morning.” His smile creases at the edge

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