
Whisper by Sarah Vistica Page A

Book: Whisper by Sarah Vistica Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah Vistica
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of his mouth. “I want to make sure you were okay. Please tell me what caused such fear to be displayed in those beautiful hazel eyes.”
    Taking a deep breath I gaze up at him. “There is a shadow at the edge of the woods. I sometimes see it there from time to time. This is the first time I have seen eyes. Is it a person I have been seeing? Luken it terrifies me.”
    Luken grimaces, “you should be.”
    He curses, which I had not heard before now. I had always pictured him with proper manners. Luken walks to my window pulling the blinds closed before coming to my side with a glass of water to drink.
    “Do not go near the edge of the woods again. It is not safe Avaya. Only go to the garden if I am with you, I have to protect you as much as I can.” Luken places his hand immediately on my cheek, “I could not bear it if I lost you. I would go insane for sure now that I have you here with me.”
    I gaze at the curtains. “What is that shadow?”
    “Something dark and dangerous, I may already be too late in protecting you.”
    “Luken, what kind of danger am I in?” He places his cool hands on my shoulders. This is surreal. Scary thoughts of a maniac wanting to take me away from Luken cloud my vision.
    Frustrated he turns to me, “I do not know. Listen darling, that thing out there may use you to get to me. The last thing I remember before I disappeared was the sounds of my own musical piece calling to me in the air. Next thing I know I am dead. I found out I died when nobody could see me standing next to them or hear me talking. Whatever is out there, it must be waiting for me.” Goosebumps rose on my flesh with the chilled air.

    For a week I grew restless from the silence. Loneliness protrudes through my heart. When I am not staying awake, I toss and turn. I haven’t seen Luken, he has vanished from sight. A part of me wonders if he is trying to protect me by staying away. The absence leaves my heart aching for a glimpse of the composer who created a piece of music so strongly it speaks directly to me.
    Last night I heard a commotion. “Master Caulder, Master Caulder you must come quickly.” I could hear the voice of a nurse bellowing down the hall. Thinking it is urgent I run down the hall to the second floor to find out what is wrong. My uncle stops at the door to my cousin Becca’s room. Miss Brantshire turned away fading down the hallway. I rush to see what is wrong.
    “This is not of concern to you, leave.” The chamber maid exclaims.
    I push past her. My cousin is holding my uncle’s hand. I watch as she barely smiles. Becca came out of the coma. My breath catches and everyone turns in my direction. Several eyes gaze at me. “Get her out of here.” Miss Brantshire demands from behind me. I thought she left, but I am mistaken.
    “No she can stay.” My uncle says. Becca has bruising under eyes. Her dark hair is stringy, faded to a blondish-brown.
    A few days later, I went to visit Becca. Technically my uncle did not specify permission. He simply mentioned another visit can be arranged, so I made one occur. She pushes herself up in the bed, pulling pillows behind her.
    Becca winces trying to adjust her pillow. I help her move it to the side allowing free range to lean back against her headrest. She tries to smile in appreciation. I started to think about Luken while I watched her snuggling against the covers.
    “My father told me what happened, at least his version about the accident. I’m still having trouble with a few words. If it takes me a little longer to talk with you I apologize. Sorry about your parents by the way, I’m sure that isn’t easy. My mom being gone is still sinking in I don’t think I will ever get used to that.” A stray tear fell down her cheek.
    “I’m sorry your mom can’t be here with you as well.”
    We sit in silence for a moment… “Becca I have to ask you something.”
    Sighing I try to figure out the best way to phrase the question. I

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