been here for thirteen years, and I don't think I've ever heard that name.”
“Has the firm been in this same location all that time?”
“Yes, sir. In fact, they've been located here for nearly twenty years. What was the name again?”
He handed her the card. “Zebulin Johnson, red hair and beard, maybe three hundred and fifty pounds.”
“I don't remember anyone like that. Let me ask Joyce.”
Beverly went and asked the woman in the next room. Wade couldn't hear them, but saw the woman shake her head. Beverly returned and handed him the card. “I'm sorry. She didn't recognize the name, either.”
“Really ? Okay, well thanks.”
“I'm sorry I couldn't be more help .” She flashed him another beautiful smile. “Have a nice day.”
Wade didn't feel like smiling, but he nodded. He was too stunned. She had confirmed what he suspected before he’d come in. Something wasn't right with Jack’s adoption.
What exactly they were involved in, he didn't know. The question now was what to do next? He couldn't tell Katie, he didn't know how she would react, or what she’d do. Maybe he could tell Shirley. He needed advice, but it couldn't be just anybody.
He called the office and told Peggy he wouldn ’t be in the rest of the day.
“Everything alright?”
“ Yeah...yeah, fine. Just need to take care of something.” He hung up and sat in his car. Summer was turning to fall, and the sky was gray, a light drizzle coming down. The weather matched his mood. He stayed there for a long time, praying, and trying to figure the next step.
Nothing seems best, but nothing won’t give me any solutions.
He needed a plan. He started the car and called his mother-in-law.
“Mom, can we have our dollar?” Jack asked.
“ Yeah, Mom, the truck is coming,” Jesse chimed in.
“ Okay.”
Katie left the pot she was stirring on the stove and retrieved her purse. She rummaged around until she found four quarters.
“Here boys, be careful.”
“ Okay, Mom,” they said in unison.
Katie smiled as she watched them scamper out the door. The weather would soon be too cold for ice cream, and the truck will stop coming around.
I’ll have to come up with a new treat for after school, maybe hot chocolate.
She returned to her stirring.
The boys reached the truck just as the driver was preparing to leave. Jack waved and Tommy reopened the window. “What'll it be boys, the usual?”
Jack was just about to say yes when he heard a voice behind him. “What's the usual?”
Jack, Jesse , and Tommy all turned to look at the stranger. Jack recognized him as the man named Michael who had shaken his hand at the grocery store.
“Ice cream sandwich for Jack , a fudgcicle for me,” Jesse answered.
“Really? Why don't we have something new today?”
“We only have a dollar,” Jack explained.
“My treat , anything you want.”
Jesse's eyes got huge. “I've never had an Explosion Cone! Can I have one of those?”
Jack knew they weren't supposed to talk to strangers , but they had met him before. Besides, he'd always wanted an Explosion Cone himself. “I'd like one, too.”
Michael lo oked at Tommy with a big grin. “Make it three…what was it?”
“Explosion Cone!” Jack and Jesse shouted together.
“Right, make it three to go!”
Tommy doled out the three giant cones, Michael paid, and they walked off. Jesse was in heaven, attacking his ice cream with frenzy. Jack paused his eating to thank Michael. “That was real nice, mister. Thanks.”
“ You’re welcome, and it was my pleasure. You boys get ice cream a lot?”
“Every day after school, if we've been good.”
“That's awful nice of your mom. You boys need a lift home?”
“No, thank you,” Jack wasn’t going to break two rules in a row, and no rides was a rule, even if he had met Michael before. “It's just a short walk. Bye, and thanks again.”
“Bye , Jesse. Bye, Jack.”
Michael got in his car and watched the
Ken Follett
Fleur Adcock
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Patrick Ness
Gilbert L. Morris
Martin Moran
David Hewson
Kristen Day
Terra Wolf, Holly Eastman
Lisa Swallow