Wet and Wilde

Wet and Wilde by Tawny Taylor

Book: Wet and Wilde by Tawny Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tawny Taylor
would be facing a blood transfusion.
    There just had to be a better way to spend a Saturday night! Add to the seemingly cold indifference Josh was showing her after tossing her out earlier, the endless stream of criticism volleyed her way since she’d taken a seat in Diana’s overgrown roller skate, and she was fit to be tied.
    “If you two don’t lay off, I’m going home.”
    “What’s up with you?” Diana scrutinized her as she waited for a traffic light to change. “Granted, you’re always a little bit of a wet cloak, but tonight you’re downright depressing.”
    “Well, don’t let me ruin your night out. I told you. I’m tired.”
    “Had a night of wild sex, did you?” Carmen teased.
    “Yes,” Jane said, feeling herself getting seriously steamed. She’d make them shut up for good. “Involving whips, chains and spreaders.”
    “Oh…” Carmen sighed.
    Diana laughed. “You? No way.”
    “How would I know what they’re called if I haven’t used them?”
    Diana shrugged. “The ‘net. There are dozens of places with that stuff on there.”
    “And why would I do that?”
    “Morbid curiosity? Although I have to admit, I admire you for even going that far. There is something to it. You should try it sometime.”
    “I just told you. I have!”
    Diana rolled her eyes. “I love you like a sis, but you’re pathetic.”
    “I’m pathetic?” She felt herself seething, and before she could stop herself, she blurted, “And what did you do yesterday with asshole?”
    “Nothing. We had something to talk about.”
    “Yeah, yeah. Like what lingerie to wear before you fucked, the black teddy or the red baby doll?” Score two points for me! She chuckled at her own joke.
    Carmen laughed.
    Diana didn’t laugh. “Ha ha. Very funny. Sorry to disappoint you both, but we didn’t sleep together.”
    “Then what was that all about?” Jane asked, now truly curious. “One minute you were in a bathing suit, ready for swim class. The next minute you were dressed and running out the door.”
    “He needed some advice.”
    No way! “From you? Come on. Since when did he start listening to anything you have to say?”
    Diana pouted. “I do know a thing or two about a few things, thank you.”
    “I know,” Jane conceded, sensing her friend’s feelings were getting hurt, and not liking the fact that she was the one doing the hurting, even if Diana was being nasty. “But he was always complaining about you being such a bossy bitch. And now he asks for your advice?”
    “He never said that.” She parked the car in the club parking lot, and Jane looked around.
    They were here, again? Did Diana know she’d come to this club last night? She studied Diana’s face.
    “What?” Diana snapped, looking as friendly as a crocodile.
    Guess she didn’t know, or didn’t feel like talking if she did. “Nothing.”
    “This place is new. I thought we’d check it out.” Diana flipped down the vanity mirror and double-checked her hair. “It looks promising. Check out the guys at the end of the line.”
    “Maybe the guys do. But the line doesn’t,” Carmen pointed toward the stream of people wrapping around the building.
    “No problem.” Diana said, smoothing on another coat of lipstick the same shade as her car. “I’ll get us in.”
    Jane smiled at the memory of walking hand-in-hand with Josh, getting the red carpet treatment, dancing with him, her body pressed to his.
    “Earth to Jane…” Carmen, standing outside Jane’s open door, snapped her fingers in front of Jane’s nose. “Are you coming in or staying here?”
    “You mean I have a choice?”
    “No.” Diana shoved her out the door. “We’re in this together. Let’s go.”
    Jane fought back a sigh and shuffled along between her friends. She couldn’t count the number of other places she’d rather be—including a dentist’s chair, or even Josh’s aquarium room.
    In fact, that room with all those bizarre fish was holding more appeal with

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