Blood of a Red Rose
o ften than usual. I didn't understand where these anger issues were coming from because I 'd never really been an angry kind of guy .
    But looking back, that probably had more to do with Loraine than myself. She always was the cheerful, bubbly, and calming on e in our relationship, which in turn kept me blissfully happy. I wasn't sure why my relationship with Meredith didn't bring me the same joy, but I suppose it boiled down to the fact that Loraine had truly been m y soul mate. God, I miss her.
    As I turned on the shower and let the steam build, I tried to relax enough to think about what I was going to say to Meredith. Thankfully, I was already starting to feel calmer. It was an amazing thing that always happened when ever I thought of Lorai ne. I smiled and shook my head as I stepped into the shower and let the hot water pour over me, washing my irritation down the drain.
    * * * * *
    I hovered in my ghostly form above Jeremy as he entered the shower. I longed to be able touch hi m once again. I tried, but as usual, I watched as my hand misted through his shoulder.
    The first time I'd materialized in this spirit form had been a little disorienting. It felt as if I was a million tiny sparks of energy being fused back together to once again form my body . I 'd opened my eyes and found myself white and wispy, just like you'd imag in e a ghost to be. In the next moment , my mind was flooded with memories. Memories of m y life, my death...everything.
    I'd found myself staring down at Rose as she cried, curled up on her and Christian's b ed deep beneath The Rising Pit . I had no idea how I knew these things, or other things : like the fact that Christian was a vampire, or that my husband and daughter both had demon blood running through their veins...but I did. I knew everything . I guessed it was the g ods ' way of getting me up to speed.
    I rush ed to my baby and tried to wrap my arms around her, but as I floated down to her and reached out , my hands only misted through her body. I momentarily felt a sense of grief for not being able to hold my daughter, but I was still h appy for this chance to even be with her again. So I watched as Rose's tear-filled shu dd ers calmed and she finally fell asleep , and in that instant I knew t he reason for my presence here.
    When I was alive I discovered at a very young age that my mere presence had the ability to calm those around me. I'd always considered it a psychic "gift" of some sort . I couldn't manipulate people's emotions, but all I had to do was enter a room and they would physically and mentally relax. And that was why I was here now . To be the calming element in my daughter's life once more. Because since I'd been gone he r demon side had started to rise to the surface , and so had Jeremy's.
    From that point on I began getting pulled back into my ghost form w henever Rose or Jeremy were either extremely mad, or when they were specifically thinking of me. But the time in between my visits was still a mystery to me. Once I'd d isintegrate or disappear there was just nothing...nothi ng until the next time I formed. N o memories of the time in between , but full awareness of everything that had transpired while I was gone.
    As I look ed down at Jeremy while he relaxed in the shower , I knew that he'd been upset about Meredith's reaction to his plan to visit The Rising Pit. A plan that would help him track down our daughter, providing a little peace for them both. I wish I could figure out how to actually help, or affect things from my ghostly state, but so far I hadn't . I could only hover , watch , and let my calming energy do its job for the people I loved.

* * * * *
    Panic at the Disco
    ( Rose)
    I sucked in a breath as my heart started to pound out of my chest. I was stunned into silence as I tried to process Christian's big announcement. Talk about panic at the disco. I knew exactly what this meant. He was going to want to change

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