Blood of a Red Rose

Blood of a Red Rose by Tish Thawer Page A

Book: Blood of a Red Rose by Tish Thawer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tish Thawer
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, new adult
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me...soon. I almost expected him to launch across the bed and sink his teeth into my neck and turn me on the spot. I couldn't believe he was officially the new Sire. And I couldn't believe they completed the ritual without telling anyone else .
    "I don't know what to say. How 's this even possible ? Yo u weren't even sure it was really you being triggered . " I was trying to stay calm and get as much information as I could, but I couldn't deny I was fighting the urge to ru n screaming for the door . I didn't know how much longer I was going to be able to deal with all of this.
    "I shared my concerns with Evie , but she assured me there was no doubt that it was me. She decided to perform the ritual right away and keep things a secret , so when the time comes to face the demons, the element of surprise , and the fact they' ll be facing two Sire s instead of just one , will be to our advantage."
    I could definitely see her point. It would be an awesome surprise for the demon s to face, but I was still panicking at the fact that m y timeframe for leav ing Christian had just been bumped up...again.
    "Aren't you happy for me, Rose? F or us? Once this nightmare is over , I'll be able to turn you and we can complete the consort ceremony."
    I vi sibly relaxed when I heard the words " o nce this nightmare i s over . " Maybe I had more time to plan tha n I thought.
    " Evie doesn't want me to change you right away, as that would pretty much give away our surprise. "
    Oh , thank god. "I can understand that. And of course I'm happy for you...for us." I stood up and wrapped my arms around him, but made it a point not to linger too long. But as I started to pull away , he grabbed my hips, holding me in place.
    " If it was up to me, I'd change you tonight . I can't wait for you to become my consort. T he idea of spending eternity with you makes me happier than I can say ."
    He crushed his lips to mine and our tongues danced their familiar dance. I thought about how all of this–all of my hopes and dreams–would soon be coming to an end , and I could n't force myself to pull away. Instead , I resigned to selfishly allow myself one last time with the man I love d.
    The feel of his li ps on mine and the sensation his roaming hands created on my skin had me tingling in all the right places and my stomach fluttering like it was our first time. He ran his hands up my back then weaved them through my hair as I worked the buttons on his shirt.
    Shoving the piece of clothing off his shoulders and onto the ground, I broke our kiss, and moved my lips t o his neck. The flutter of his pulse under my tongue announced how much he enjoyed when I licked and sucked him t here. I lingered briefly until his hands moved to grab my breasts. Squeezing them slightly, he had me arching into his touch.
    He groaned as I kissed my way down his chest, moving my hands to his belt. I sat back down on the bed, putting me in the perfect position. Once his belt was loose , I begun to unzip his pants . I raised my eyes to find him drifting rapidly and looking at me with intense desire. Then he tossed his head back in anticipation of the act to come.
    That's when we heard a knock on the door.
    " Dammit ! What is it?" Christian cussed.
    "I'm sorry to bother you , but Evie's asked that we all join her upstairs right away, " Tori hesitantly announced.
    The look on Christian's face was enough to scare anyone, but I knew he was only angry because he was just as desperate to be with me as I was to be with him.
    I reached out and ran my hand down his arm. "It's okay. Let 's go find out what's going on and we can continue this later. " I grabbed his shirt from the floor as he zipped up his pants and fastened his belt.
    "All I know is that this better be seriously important, or I'm going to have Evie's ass."
    Turn ed out ... it was.
    We made our way upstairs and all gathered around the now empty club, waiting for Evie to begin.
    " Sorry for interrupting everyone's evening, but Renard

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