Web Of Bones: Book II of the Dragon Mage Series

Web Of Bones: Book II of the Dragon Mage Series by Kelly Lucille

Book: Web Of Bones: Book II of the Dragon Mage Series by Kelly Lucille Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Lucille
    The old woman looked at her warily , her eyes going from Melly to the dragon she touched. “What do you want to know exactly?”
    “ Any news that you might have heard regarding mages. Mostly. And if any rumors of a still-living blood mage are floating about.”
    “ All the mages died by fire,” one of the men shouted. “As it should be.”
    “ As they all will,” someone else yelled from the crowd.
    There was a great deal of muttering and then grumbling about the evil ways of mage folk. Melly ignored it. Solan tensed even further under her hand, and she felt the power around him spike and then circle her, until she was cocooned in his heat.
    After a lot of ineffectual grumbling and muttering , the people returned their attention to the travelers.
    “ Why do you ask these things?” The old woman bravely walked forward until she was right next to the cart. “Why do you come here and admit to all what you are?”
    “ For too many years I hid in fear of what others would do if they found out what I was. I will not live that way again.” She looked at General Solan. “I am here to help the dragons ensure that there are no more blood mages.”
    “ How?”
    “ I am a wind talker. Do you know what that is?”
    The woman shook her head. As more people moved forward to hear, Melly closed her eyes and let the wind loose around her. She had expected it to be weak so far from the magic that was Dracon, but it came as a crisp flirt, ruffling skirts and blowing hair around, while the people gasped and backed away again.
    “ A true mage, who has not been corrupted by blood, is a part of the elements of the Earth. I can call the wind, and hear its whispers.” She tilted her head. “For instance, I can tell you that your daughter is even now giving birth to your second grandchild, and that it will be a healthy boy.”
    The woman grabbed her throat, her eyes tearing. “How can you know that?”
    “ I know what the wind chooses to whisper. And right now it is whispering the return of a blue dragon and three stags for your supper tables.” Everyone turned to look and sure enough a few moments later the great blue beast came flying. He whooshed down and landed in the town square with furred beasts in his talons.
    Everyone gasped over the sapphire dragon and the three stags. A little boy stepped forward to touch the glinting scales and was yanked back by his mother.
    General Solan ’s voice boomed over the awestruck people. “Take the meat in payment for your services.”
    “ And what is that?” the woman asked. “What could you possibly require from us?”
    “ You have already paid,” he said, starting to direct the horses and wagon back into motion.
    Melly looked at the old woman ’s confused face and smiled sadly. “We needed to know if the mage’s were still in danger among the humans. You have answered that question well.”
    The old woman finally stumbled back from the wagon just as it started forward. The townspeople watched them until they were out of sight —some with fear and hostility carefully reserved, and some like the old woman, with confusion and hope.
    Melly smiled when the whispers started.
    “What is it?” Solan asked darkly.
    “ They are discussing how best to prepare the meat, and wondering hopefully if the dragons will return again.” She sighed, some of the light leaving her eyes. “And they are hoping if they do that they will not be accompanied by a wicked mage.”
    He snorted. “You, a wicked mage? And us, great brutes welcome? A strange backward people. Lacking in sense.”
    “ They have seen the worst that mage kind can do. Never the good.” She shook her head and smiled teasingly. “A dragon now, they can end a hundred year reign of evil in an evening ... and get you a fine meal when you’re hungry. What is there in that to dislike?”
    Solan grunted his annoyance, while the others agreed silently. They were all more than happy to leave the strange humans behind

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