The Paper Sword

The Paper Sword by Robert Priest

Book: The Paper Sword by Robert Priest Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert Priest
don’t think that’s a good idea,” Xemion whispered back.
    â€œWe don’t need no ideas from you ,” Tharfen hissed at him. “We got a mother to think about.” She pushed her jaw forward and added pointedly, “Unlike you.”
    Xemion almost blushed under the penetrating intensity of her stare.
    â€œWe saw the stone you put up,” Torgee said, not meeting Xemion’s eyes.
    He just shrugged. “Before she died she made me swear not to tell anyone, I had to —”
    â€œTo what?” Tharfen cut in. “Lie, lie, lie, and lie?”
    â€œPlease be fair,” Saheli pleaded.
    â€œYes, I’ll be fair. When I get home tomorrow, I’ll be fair to my mother.”
    â€œBut if you go back you will surely run into the examiner,” Saheli said worriedly.
    â€œI ain’t scared of that pig,” Tharfen said loudly. “I hope we do run into him. ’Cause now that we’ve warned you — at the risk of our lives, I might add — we can deal with him.”
    â€œIt’s not just him … it’s the dogs,” Saheli said gravely.
    â€œTorgee’s got stuff for the dogs,” Tharfen said. “Don’t you, Torgee?”
    â€œSome,” the taciturn Torgee grunted. “Used a lot on the way here.”
    â€œWhat you mean?”
    â€œStuff to delay them. Pepper. Hooks.”
    â€œYou should come with us,” Saheli said.
    â€œMy mother would kill me,” Tharfen said.
    â€œShe would,” Torgee confirmed.
    â€œSurely she would want you to be safe,” Saheli said.
    â€œShe would want me to have my revenge,” Tharfen said with great emotion.
    â€œBut Tharfen —”
    â€œBecause I swear to you this,” Tharfen interrupted, “I will have my vengeance on him.”
    This was a line she had learned from Xemion’s recital of the saga of Amnon. Hearing it now, Xemion half wished he’d never told it to her. “Well, as long as you’re going to quote Amnon, maybe you would like to remember what kind of a fate his vengeance brought him to.”
    Tharfen snapped. “I hate you, Xemion. This is all your fault.”
    â€œPlease don’t hate him, Tharfen.” Saheli asked softly.
    Torgee said, “She doesn’t really hate you, Xemion. You’d understand if you saw the ridges that pig left up and down her backside.”
    Tharfen sat up, enraged. “Shut your mouth, Torgee, or …” But just then there was a gobbling sound from inside the jute bag and Chiricoru poked her head through. Startled, Tharfen turned around, and seeing the bird for the first time, instantly her eyes softened. “Oh!” she sighed. A tone Xemion and Saheli had never heard before entered her voice. “Who are you?” she asked gently.
    â€œThat’s Chiricoru,” Saheli said, stroking the moonlit feathers on top of her head.
    â€œCan I…?”
    â€œOf course. Just be very gentle. She’s had a rough time.”
    And now Tharfen saw the injury to Chiricoru’s neck. She looked to Xemion for confirmation.
    â€œYes, that was the examiner,” he said bitterly. “I had to stop him with my painted sword. Otherwise he would’ve killed her.”
    â€œWell, don’t worry,” Tharfen stated with great emotion to Chiricoru. “I will make him pay.” She glared back at Xemion as though just daring him to chide her for her vengeance again.
    Xemion held her gaze and nodded. “Don’t worry, you’re not the only one who seeks retribution,” he said quietly. Their eyes met in a smile.
    â€œHe will get his,” Torgee said gruffly, a hint of tears in his large, sensitive eyes.
    Tharfen softened. “Can I hold her?”
    â€œJust be very careful with her.” Saheli turned toward Tharfen and the two of them cuddled Chiricoru between them.
    â€œYou should come with us in the direction of Ulde on the

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