Wayward Temptation (Wayward Saints MC Book 6)

Wayward Temptation (Wayward Saints MC Book 6) by K. Renee

Book: Wayward Temptation (Wayward Saints MC Book 6) by K. Renee Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. Renee
on the bed, and writing the rest of her story. She has a knack for words, and I really wish her nothing but the best. But, I’m sure that won’t make a difference if that Cam guy finds her.  
    Grabbing my phone, I pull up the search engine, and type in his name. Seeing all the results, I focus on the ones where he has been in trouble with the law: rape, kidnapping, false imprisonment, and murder.  
    Not once has he ever been convicted, and I have a feeling that it’s because of his lawyer. He’s gotten off every charge. Most of the time the witnesses recanted their statements, or they wound up missing. I get a message from the supplier, and I check it, closing out of the screen on Cam. Grabbing my shit, I make my way out of my new room, and get the guys ready to head out for the ride.  
    By the time we leave, we have only a small window of time to get to the buy, without them leaving. We haul ass, and make it just in time. Pulling up to the abandoned warehouse, we park, and wait for the fuckers to get here. Screech comes walking towards me, and just before he can say something to me, a bullet flies at us, and hits him in the shoulder. We all duck down behind our bikes, and start to fire on the guys that are now closing in on us.  
    Screech takes out a guy, and I take out the next guy, before he has a chance to fire on Butch. A few of the guys have bullet wounds, but at least all of the other guys are on the ground. Walking over to the one fucker that’s still alive, I step on his wound, and he starts to scream like a little bitch.  
    “Why the fuck are you shooting at us?” I grit out. He tries to spit blood at me, but it ends up just covering himself.  
    “Fuck you,” he groans, when I put more pressure on his wound. “You crossed us one too many times, and Felix isn’t just going to let you get away with that,” he spits.  
    “We haven’t fucking crossed you,” I yell.  
    “Your fucking brother has. He’s been taking a cut of the profits, and Felix is done with it.” He spits out some more blood, and it ends up all over my boot.
    “Who?” I grate out. He coughs up some blood, and he starts to lose consciousness.  
    “Striker,” he whispers, before he passes out. I put a bullet in his head, and when I look at the other guys, I see the shock written all over their faces. None of them had an idea. Fuck, it’s even more fucked up than my old man thought.  
    Mac needs to fucking deal with this shit, and I have a feeling that I’m going to get blamed for it anyway. I make my way to my bike, and crank the engine. “Let’s ride.”  
    Taking off, I lead us back to the clubhouse. When we get there, I’m already expecting a shit storm from Mac. He doesn’t even let me get off my bike before he comes at me, blaming me for the shit that went down today. Instead of even trying to defend myself, I go to my room, and grab my shit. Shoving everything into my bags, I secure them before standing up, and facing Mac.  
    “Fuck you. You wanted my help, you fucking got it. I didn’t fucking cause this shit to go bad, one of your men did. Blame it on me if you want because I don’t give a fuck. Deal with your own fucking problems.” Getting on my bike, I crank the engine. I take off into the crisp afternoon, and make my way back to Vegas.  
    I don’t even bother looking back because the only thing worth staying for, doesn’t even want anything to do with me right now. I wish her the best too. Maybe Butch and the rest of the guys can keep her safe, but I highly fucking doubt it.

Chapter Eighteen

    I’ve been locked in this stupid room for days. I just wish that Raef would come back, so I could tell him how sorry I am for everything I’ve said to him. I was a bitch before he left, and when Butch told me that he left without saying goodbye, I was even more heartbroken. He promised that he wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye, but I’m sure that it’s my fault he didn’t say anything to me. I

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