The Summoning

The Summoning by Mark Lukens

Book: The Summoning by Mark Lukens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark Lukens
porch. “Come on, I’m sorry we got off on the wrong foot. Please come inside.” He was still smiling, but it seemed like the smile a shark or a tiger might have if they could smile.
    Ryan found himself walking back up the walkway and into Gary’s house. Gary closed the door and gestured to a lumpy couch against a wall of the small living room. Gary plopped down in a worn-out recliner that must be “his” chair. He still smiled at Ryan as he stared at him.
    Ryan glanced around at the small house. It seemed to be more of Gary’s house than Amber’s. The place was a mess; stains on the carpet, the walls needed paint, stacks of papers and beer cans overflowed the end tables. The only nice and modern thing in the whole room was the massive TV and entertainment system right across from the recliner. The TV was off right now.
    Gary studied Ryan. “So, Ryan Nobody, how long you been dating Amber?”
    “We just went out last night for the first time,” Ryan answered and he could feel an anger building up inside of him – it seemed like a strange emotion, a dangerous one, and a familiar one. He couldn’t explain it, but he felt almost frightened of this slow rage inside of him, frightened of what it could turn him into, frightened of what he could do to someone if he let the rage consume him and take over his mind and body. “We got some ice cream and walked around the park,” Ryan added.
    “How sweet,” Gary said in mock sincerity. He leaned forward and grinned at Ryan. “Hey, did you get lucky?”
    Ryan stared at Gary who hadn’t lost that shark-smile. “Excuse me?”
    “Lucky. You know, did you get some ass? It shouldn’t be too difficult with Amber.”
    Ryan stood up quickly. He could feel the boiling ball of anger churning in his chest, about to erupt. He could feel a noisy static of rage buzzing in his mind. He could feel his muscles flooding with blood and adrenaline. He could feel himself losing control and he was afraid he was only a few seconds away from snapping.
    “This was a mistake,” Ryan said. “I should get going.”
    Just then Amber rushed out from the hallway into the living room. She had changed her clothes and put on a pair of stylish boots with low heels for walking. She had a leather jacket with fringes draped over one forearm. She was still beaming. “I’m ready to go.”
    Gary, still seated in his chair, stared at her. “You look like a slut.”
    “Shut the fuck up, asshole,” Amber shot back at him and at the same time she grabbed Ryan’s arm – hard – and whispered in his ear. “Come on, let’s go.”
    Gary jumped to his feet. “You don’t talk to me like that, you fucking whore!”
    Amber practically dragged Ryan to the front door. They exited the house and walked quickly down the walkway towards Ryan’s car.
    “You’re nothing!” Gary screamed from the doorway at Amber as she walked away. “You’re nothing but a lazy whore!”
    “Just keep on walking to your car,” Amber said in a low voice, and Ryan could hear the tremor in her voice.
    They got inside Ryan’s car.
    Ryan had his keys in his hand, and he looked past Amber in the passenger seat and saw Gary standing in the doorway. Ryan looked back at Amber who stared straight ahead, her head held high, her body tense as she sat ramrod straight.
    “Amber, what’s going on here? Are you married? Is that your boyfriend?”
    “No,” Amber said and she looked out the passenger window and stuck her middle finger up at Gary.
    Gary exploded out of the doorway and ran down the cracked walkway in his bare feet, his face red with rage.
    Amber turned to Ryan with a look of terror on her face and tears in her eyes. “Drive! Just drive!”
    Ryan started his car and shifted into drive. He stomped his foot down on the gas pedal and he heard the bark of his rear tires as he tore out into the street. He didn’t hear any thuds from Gary striking his car, but he did catch a glimpse of Gary standing on the sidewalk in his

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