
WarriorsWoman by Evanne Lorraine

Book: WarriorsWoman by Evanne Lorraine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evanne Lorraine
his strong hands slipped inside her stretchy pants.
    Since she’d washed her long johns and left them to dry in the bathroom, she was bare beneath her clothes. She reacted to his touch as if he’d flipped her on-switch to a higher setting. Her breasts swelled, her nipples grew stiffer, and her sex soaked the crotch of her pants.
    A creak of protest from the chair reminded her how heavy mechs were. “Is this safe?”
    “Safe in what way?” Lorcan’s talented fingers slowed.
    “Uh, the chair. Will it hold both of us?”
    He shrugged and returned to working her ass muscles into buttery bliss. “I think so. You and I together weigh less than Batzorg and he sat right here and drank a cup of coffee earlier. If it breaks, I’ll cushion your fall, promise.”
    “I don’t want you hurt.” She felt a strange fierce protectiveness for him, actually for all three of the super-strong mechs. They guarded her, but were criminally careless about their own safety.
    He captured her chin. “Mechs are tough. Don’t worry about me, hot stuff.”
    Despite her concerns, his easy confidence was so sexy she relaxed on his lap and he returned to massaging her bare butt, until her muscles were as smooth and light as a wash of color.
    As he continued to caress her ass, achy need built, tightening in her breasts and deep in her belly. She flushed, remembering Batzorg’s lovemaking a few scant hours ago. His hard cock had roused her and they’d made love until she was completely spent from an amazing climax. Afterward, he’d tenderly cleaned her sex, tucked her into the warm bed, and left her with a passionate kiss and a promise to see her soon. She’d drifted back to sleep and drowsed until the intoxicating aroma of real coffee and great food woke her.
    How can I be this excited again so soon?
    Yet here she was sucking Lorcan’s tongue like hard candy and rocking against his thick, steel rod of an erection that promised her total satisfaction.
    He broke their kiss long enough to tug her tweedy oatmeal sweater over her head.
    “I shouldn’t…” The words came out too breathy to convince herself, let alone him.
    “Do you want me to stop?” He palmed one of her breasts.
    Instinct arched her into his hand and pulled a groan of sheer erotic need from her lips. “No.”
    Lifting her to her feet, he steadied her between his thighs and skimmed her pants down her legs. At his gentle pat on her ass, she stepped out of the puddle of fabric and kicked it aside. Both of his hands cupped her ass, pulling her closer and his head bent to tease first one nipple and the other with nibbling kisses. “You taste so sweet.”
    “Why am I the only one naked?” she whispered, not actually minding.
    “You want me naked, hot stuff?”
    “Uh huh.”
    “Go for it.”
    The whole unbuttoning his shirt process took way too long, because she had to stop and admire his sculpted chest, trace the silky hair trails, and tease his small nipples with playful bites. She reached to undo the third button, but he didn’t wait, pulling the flannel over his head and tossing it in the same general direction her pants had gone.
    Determined to help get him naked, she bent and worked on getting the stubborn top button of his jeans out of its buttonhole. Between the distraction of his rippled midsection, the thick rope of his erection, and her own growing arousal, her fingers wandered off task a lot.
    At last, she worked the metal button free. He stood, supporting her easily, and shimmied out of the denim. The pants wadded into a lump around his ankles, he toed off his boots, and rid himself of the jeans with a couple of foot flicks.
    His cock curved against his belly, long and thick and glorious. The plump head was a dusky russet and the shaft a touch redder than the bronze silk covering his muscled body. His velvety sac nestled under his erection, quivering closer to the root.
    Mesmerized by his masculine perfection, she wriggled from his lap, eager to explore and

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