Warden (Elemental Paladins Book 1)

Warden (Elemental Paladins Book 1) by Montana Ash

Book: Warden (Elemental Paladins Book 1) by Montana Ash Read Free Book Online
Authors: Montana Ash
Tags: Fiction
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one domain; they must be balanced. But a warden can recharge more efficiently and draw more power from a paladin who shares the same element.” Darius explained unaware of her internal dialogue.
    “Paladins are allied, as you say, to their own element too then?”
    “That’s right.”
    “So what is your element?” She asked Darius.
    He leaned forward and spread his hands out in front of him. “Why don’t you tell me?”
    Max frowned, “Is this a test?”
    “No … well not really. But if you are a Life Warden like we all suspect then you should be able to see our auras and therefore should be able to link us to our elements.”
    “See your auras?”
    “Do you see colours radiating around people or animals or anything living really? Probably around their head or their heart?” The question came from Ryker.
    Max frowned. She saw colours radiating from people almost like a shadow of themselves, full length and human in shape. The colourful doppelganger had threads escaping in hundreds of directions and hundreds of different hues tethering people to other people, places and things. She always assumed it was the connections people made, the energy left behind from their actions as they moved from place to place and formed different relationships. The spectrum of colours she could see far bypassed the normal band of colours that were present in the real world. It hadn’t taken her long to figure out that each person had their own unique and identifying colours and that emotions and actions often dictated the variances in the shades she observed. She was pretty adept at reading them now but she didn’t choose to see them all the time – they gave her a migraine and made her go cross-eyed! In fact, she had kept that switch firmly off since she had met the paladins, only peeking at them all once last night to ensure they weren’t chainsaw wielding murderers. She could only assume that was what Ryker was calling auras so she nodded and answered guardedly;
    “I can see colours.”
    “Do you know how to interpret them?” He asked.
    Max shrugged, feeling inexplicably shy. “I guess.”
    “Why don’t you tell us what you see?” Darius invited.
    Max kept her eyes on her fidgeting hands in her lap. “Don’t wanna.”
    “Why not? It doesn’t hurt does it?” Cali asked.
    “No. I just … It just seems rude is all.” A chorus of chuckles met her response and she glared at all of them. The only person to not find her comment amusing was Ryker oddly enough. He was watching her carefully and if she wasn’t mistaken there was now a spark of respect in his eyes that hadn’t been there before. It was almost like he understood where she was coming from. She hated to invade people’s privacy. It just didn’t seem fair that she could peek into a stranger’s body and perhaps see their secrets. It was bad enough that she couldn’t always turn off her empath abilities which meant she could feel their emotions. It was definitely rude.
    “I know it seems invasive but Darius has given you his permission. Please, tell us your impression.” Ryker bade.
    Max looked at Darius carefully, which really wasn’t a hardship, the man was gorgeous! His hazel eyes were kind and open and he was smiling. She slowly flipped her internal switch and watched as his colourful shadow emerged next to him, it was translucent and Max could see through it to the bookcase beyond but it also had enough form that she could make out its features. They were a mirror to the man himself. Strands of colours threaded their way around the room, connecting him to the other paladins and one very bright golden thread streaked out the window to disappear in the distance over the ocean. His particular shades of threads were mostly muted blues, greys and silver and moved softly in the air as if in a breeze.
    “You’re Air.” She stated simply and with certainty.
    The man grinned like a proud papa and Max couldn’t help but notice how much younger and

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