Warden (Elemental Paladins Book 1)

Warden (Elemental Paladins Book 1) by Montana Ash Page B

Book: Warden (Elemental Paladins Book 1) by Montana Ash Read Free Book Online
Authors: Montana Ash
Tags: Fiction
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would she have associated the dour hard-arse with life itself, death maybe, but not life.
    “Something wrong?” He looked smug, conceited and superior all at once. He loved that she was flabbergasted, well she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction.
    “Life calls to you.” She stated and shrugged negligently, “I’m not surprised, it really suits you. You’re so warm and compassionate and mild mannered. From the moment I met you I thought ‘now here is a man who visits nursing homes and cuddles new born babies’. I always trust my instincts.”
    This produced a round of ribbing and jibes from the peanut gallery, Ryker’s trademark scowl still firmly in place. Max cast her eyes around the room once more. “Earth, air, fire, water, humans and animals. Where’s Death? Still sleeping?” She asked jokingly.
    “Diana isn’t here at the moment. Although she’s a trainer like us, she also has other duties so she comes and goes as she pleases.” Beyden replied casually.
    “Oh, I was only joking. There really is a paladin allied to death living here too?” She received numerous nods. “So you are all from different domains. Is that normal? Seems like a fairly big coincidence …”
    “It’s not common, no. But we are not a normal group of paladins.”
    She opened her mouth to delve into that subject deeper only to be cut off by Darius as he continued, “I think that’s enough for the moment. We don’t want to overload you. Why don’t you take a break, maybe eat some lunch and we can talk more later, hmm?”
    “But I have so many more questions! And breakfast was like half an hour ago.” Max pointed out.
    “Yes. I also have so many more questions.” Ryker eyed Darius austerely.
    Darius paid him no heed and Max realised they must be very used to each other and had likely been friends for a long time. Darius persisted, “They can wait. We’re not going anywhere and neither are you. Besides, breakfast was almost three hours ago.”
    Max’s stomach chose that moment to growl as if siding with the brown haired soldier. She hadn’t really eaten much given she had been too busy being insulted. Still, she wasn’t that faint from hunger that she hadn’t caught what Darius had said, “What do you mean I’m not going anywhere? I said one night. It’s been one night. I’m grateful for the information and maybe you could introduce me to some others like me? But I really need to be moving on.”
    “Consider our minds changed. You will stay here as our guest.” Ryker commanded. Before she could object, rather vocally, Ryker strode over until he stood in front of her. “You need to learn control. You need to learn to shield yourself from your natural enemies. And you need to learn how to renew your energy the way you were born to. We can help you … if you let us.”
    Max really, really wanted to let them but she was still scared to stay in the one place for too long. On the other hand, they were knights so who better to protect her if the phantoms did find her? A few days, maybe even a week and she could rest and be fully rejuvenated, armed with all the knowledge she would need. Perhaps she could even access her bank accounts and buy some new clothes, some new supplies. She might even be able to get some writing and drawing in. It was all so tempting.
    “Max? Remember those instincts?” Cali coaxed.
    Max nodded and the room seemed to exhale in relief. “Do you have any chocolate?” She asked.

    Ryker didn’t bother wrapping a towel around himself after he finished his cold shower. He was trying to use negative reinforcement to teach his stupid dick not to respond every time Max was in his vicinity. The chilly water had the desired effect and he was now hunting up a clean pair of khakis to wear to the Lodge. He hadn’t been there in three days due to their guest and he really needed to spend some time there today to catch up on things. He had put everyone on a rotation so at least two of

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