Wanton With a Vampire
me to
bring flowers because you died.”
    She eyed the bag suspiciously. Sofia was
Drew’s grandmother, and she was a little scary. While she’d always
been polite to Trish, she’d never been friendly. “There are flowers
in that bag?”
    “Nah,” Drew said, making his way around her
and into the condo. “Why would you want flowers? Those things just
sit around and die. Then you gotta try to squeeze them in your
trash can. I figured you’d like cookies more.”
    “Thank you,” she said, taking the bag. Drew’s
thoughtfulness was surprising. “Was that all you wanted?”
    “Grandmamma wants me to hang out and talk to
you since you’re psychic now,” he said, looking a little
    “Is Sofia trying to fix us up?” Trish asked,
hoping she didn’t sound as mortified as she felt.
    Drew shrugged. “Hard to say. She told me I
was too young to date a week ago, and now she’s sending me over to
talk to you. Seems kind of strange, but I don’t mind visiting
    “She’s taken,” Alek practically barked.
    Drew’s smile was so full of mischief that
Trish almost laughed. He had every intention of tweaking Alek’s
temper further.
    “I’m going to shower, and then you can take
me to the mall,” she said to Drew.
    Drew’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. “Did you
need me to help you? I could wash your front before I help you pick
out some sexy panties at the mall. I don’t mind watching you try
things on or even helping you in the fitting room.”
    “You are not going to the mall with Drew,”
Alek said.
    Trish chose to ignore him. Hopefully, Drew
would still be there when she finished getting ready. Alek was
almost definitely trying to intimidate him into leaving, which made
it more likely Drew would stay. He enjoyed being a pain in the rear
too much to pass up a chance to annoy Alek.

Chapter Fifteen
    Just as she’d expected, Drew was lounging on
her sofa when she came out of the bedroom. Alek was leaning against
the wall, arms crossed in front of his chest, glaring at her.
Before that, it appeared he’d been glaring at Drew, who was doing a
fantastic job of ignoring him. Trish suspected Drew was used to
being glared at by the men in the family.
    “It’s not safe for you to go to the mall with
Drew,” Alek said.
    “Drew is harmless,” she assured him, even
knowing that wasn’t exactly true.
    Alek looked incredulous. “He’s a bloody
    Drew nodded. “He’s right. You shouldn’t get
in a car alone with me.” He stood and grinned at her. “Ready to go
buy those sexy panties?”
    “What makes you think I’m going there to buy
undergarments?” Trish asked.
    “You blush every time I suggest it,” Drew
said with a laugh. Turning toward Alek, Drew’s face sobered. “I’m
not going to hurt Trish. She’s one of the only people who are nice
to me. The reason she’s bringing me instead of you is that I’ll
leave her alone. If Isaiah was here, she’d take him. Truth is,
you’re so far up her cute little ass that there is no way she’d get
to shop in peace. If it makes you feel any better, I’ll stalk her
from outside the stores. I could even send you some pictures of her
while she’s shopping.”
    Alek let out a frustrated breath, and Trish
shocked him by going up on tiptoes to kiss his mouth. Rather than
letting her pull back with a quick brush of her lips, Alek’s arm
snaked around her waist, and he crushed her against his body for a
slow kiss. When Alek released her, she was a little dazed and found
him smiling at her as he supported her weight with one arm. “Please
be careful,” he whispered.
    “I will,” she assured him before heading out
with Drew trailing behind her. “You’d better not be staring at my
fanny,” she said without turning around.
    “Hard to avoid,” Drew said. “Most skinny
girls are all flat back there, but you’ve got a nice round ass. I
can’t help wondering what it would look like if you put on twenty
    “Do you

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