Wanton With a Vampire
eagerly. “Justin’s always been uptight, but I got a look at his toy
drawer about a year ago, and he’s a freak. From the way they
interact, I’d guess Justin is the top in bed, but Caitlin seems
like the dominatrix type. With my talent, I can tell Caitlin wants
to be dominated in bed, but I don’t know if she’s given in to that
    “Not sharing,” she said.
    “Come on,” he crooned. “I’m doing you a
favor. Just tell me who’s holding the riding crop in the
    Trish let out a sigh. “I really wish I’d
brought a spray bottle to use when you’re misbehaving.”
    That statement made Drew let out a
full-bellied laugh.

Chapter Sixteen
    Trish was enjoying her shopping trip, while
Drew kept to his word and watched her from a safe distance.
Stalking might be the best word to describe what he was doing, and
he clearly enjoyed it. Trish was walking out of Victoria’s Secret
when an attractive young man separated from his friends to approach
her. She stifled a groan. While cute, this guy was way too young.
He also wasn’t Alek.
    “Hey!” His voice was softly accented like he
spoke Spanish at home but felt comfortable with English. The smile
he flashed was confident but not cocky.
    “Hi,” she said, adjusting her bags.
    “Can I help you carry those?” His cheeks
flushed when his eyes landed on her bags. He seemed sweet, so she
didn’t want to embarrass him or seem rude.
    “No, I’ve got them, but thank you,” she said
with a smile. Sadly, that smile seemed to encourage him.
    “My name’s Jesus,” he said, drawing out the
‘h’ sound at the beginning of his name.
    “Trish,” she said. Damn her need to be
    “What are you up to?” he asked, clearly
encouraged by her friendliness.
    “Just shopping.” That should have been
    “Can I buy you lunch? I got the place all to
myself today, so we could go back there and hang out after.”
    “Thanks, but I need to meet my
    Drew came up behind the guy and gave Trish a
scary close lipped smile. “You ready to go, baby?”
    Jesus turned around and nodded at Drew, not
at all intimidated. He grinned at Trish. “Sorry if I came on too
strong. I didn’t realize you were with someone.”
    “No worries,” Trish said as he walked
    “Alek owes me for saving you today,” Drew
said with a smirk.
    Trish then rolled her eyes, which seemed to
amuse Drew. “I’m gonna get a lemonade. Want one?”
    “Sure,” she said, waiting until he walked
away to text Lydia.
    Got propositioned by Jesus.
    It didn’t take Lydia long to respond.
    WTF? Knew those boobs could tempt a saint,
but not Jesus.
    Trish smiled.
    Said he has the place all to himself today.
Guess his dad’s not home.
    Lydia texted her back.
    That is wrong on so many levels.
    She couldn’t resist messing with Lydia
    Drew scared him off.
    It was always amusing when Lydia got too
excited to make the voice recognition software on her phone
    WTF??? Y r u with Drew???
    That’s when her phone rang.
    “Hello, Caitlin,” she said without looking at
the caller ID. Naturally, Lydia had texted Caitlin to tell her
Trish was at the mall with Drew.
    “Do I need to make a list of men you should
avoid?” Caitlin asked, sounding bored.
    “I needed to buy undergarments,” she said,
lowering her voice so people passing by wouldn’t hear, which was
foolish since she was carrying two large Victoria’s Secret
    “You needed panties, so you called Drew to
help you pick them out?” Caitlin asked incredulously, and Trish
enjoyed making her normally cool friend’s composure slip.
    “He showed up at the condo while I was
getting ready to go to the mall. It was either him or Alek. If I
went with Alek, he would have been in the store with me, which
would have been kind of embarrassing.”
    “You could have called me to go shopping with
you,” Caitlin said, sounding almost hurt.
    Trish smiled, mouthing a thank you to Drew
when he handed her

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