Waiting for you (Part 1)

Waiting for you (Part 1) by Kelli Lawler

Book: Waiting for you (Part 1) by Kelli Lawler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelli Lawler
put it into his mouth, swigging a sip of his beer to wash it down.
    “To my room with you two. I don’t know how long it takes for this shit to work”
    Jumping off the kitchen island and grabbing some bottles of water, he ushered Cammy and Hayden to the very room he was standing in earlier. They walked in and Cammy could hear Liam shut and lock the door.
    “Oh fuck yea, you feel it baby?” Hayden was saying to Cams in her ear.
    “Hay, I feel fucking weird, don’t leave me.”
    “I won’t baby, let go and it’ll take full effect.”
    Hayden was lying beside her in Liam’s bed at this point. She could hear Liam’s guitar playing in the room. Lifting her head up to see Liam in the corner of his room, next to the big windows she saw him in earlier, she smiled and he smiled back at her.
    “Why did I do this Hayden?” She felt like crying, but then a wave of warmth and sensation overtook her body and she didn’t want to speak anymore. Cammy got up from the bed and was drawn to the guitar playing and started dancing and running her hands all over her body. She felt with every touch of her own hands like she was going to come. She rolled her head back and forth. Hayden was behind her, holding her, touching her, rubbing his body against the back of hers. This was a feeling she had never felt before, like a constant sexual high.
    “Hey. Mind of I join in?” A voice said in Cammy’s ear.
    Another set of hands was upon her. She dared not open her eyes, she simply wanted to feel. Rocking her from the front with their body, it felt softer, lighter than Hayden, the lips were soft and smooth, kissing her lips, moving, touching.
    “You feel so good.” A girl’s voice said.
    Cammy opened her eyes and saw the pretty girl Tara in front of her. She was the one she was kissing. Hayden was still behind her, reeling in his own high. She took Tara’s hand and guided her towards Hayden.
    “Baby, no.” Hayden called to her while Tara caressed his face then started kissing him.
    “Shhhhh. Hayden, I want to see.”
    Cammy turned to Liam who was in full view, the guitar down on the floor and music on in the room.
    “Liam, who else is in here?”
    Cammy found the bedroom door, unlocked it and ordered her out. The girl scurried out quickly. Cammy slammed the door and locked it again, then turned to Liam.
    “You said you would look after us. Nobody else in here.”
    “ Allright Cammy. I will do as I said”
    He offered her a water bottle, which she took and gulped down. She was feeling hot and sweaty. Her eyes found Hayden in the room. He was still kissing Tara and putting his hands all over her skinny little body.
    “Do you want him Tara?” Cammy asked, rubbing her body from behind with her hands.
    “Yes, you too” She answered, turning around to kiss Cammy again.
    “Cams, do you feel good?” Hayden was looking at her.
    “I’m hot, really hot. I need to get into the shower.”
    “Go baby.” Hayden said as he fell onto Liam’s bed.
    Cammy leaned over the bed and kissed him, sending the shockwaves she had already started feeling through her again. She was so hot, sweaty, thirsty, yet she wanted to come. The drug had taken full effect on her.
    Grabbing her hand and pulling her ear to his mouth Hayden whispered to Cammy “Be with Liam, see what it’s like baby , see what it’s like to be with someone that has everything like I did”
    Cammy was mad at him saying that to her and pulled away.
    “Asshole, I see now” Cammy said to Hayden. She now knew why he did it, why he slept with other girls in California, because they were rich or famous or whatever, that’s all that mattered to him sometimes, money, prestige, so easily impressed he was.
    “Liam where is your shower. Please, I am so hot.”
    Liam took her by the hand and led her to the shower. No longer concerned with Hayden or her surroundings, she turned on the shower water and stepped in, fully clothed. The water was dropping onto her and it felt

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