Waiting for you (Part 1)

Waiting for you (Part 1) by Kelli Lawler Page A

Book: Waiting for you (Part 1) by Kelli Lawler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelli Lawler
like each and every molecule of her body was on fire, then freezing. It was exhilarating.
    “Oh God, this feels so fucking good. Oh my God”
    “Hayden, get in here and get her clothes off for me, will you” Liam was yelling into the bedroom.
    When there was no answer, Cammy asked Liam to do it for her.
    “Liam, get my clothes off, help me, I am burning up”
    “Drink water, Cammy”
    Peeling off the wet layers of her clothes and giving her cups of water from the faucet, Cammy was in a euphoric state with the water beads upon her.
    The music in the room got louder and it felt like a pulse in her body. Boom, boom , boom.
    Running from the shower and back to the bedroom, Cammy saw Hayden on the bed with Tara, his clothes off and she was undressed f rom the bottoms down.
    “Cams, baby, come here” Hayden was talking but was in another state of mind and body, like Cammy.
    “I have a condom Cammy. You cool with this” Tara said to her, standing in front of Hayden, naked f rom the shower, no one even noticing.
    “I Love you.” Hayden said to her.
    Cammy left and ran back for the shower.
    Liam was waiting for her in his bathroom, standing by the entrance of the stone shower door.
    “You getting back in?” He asked her.
    “Yes.” Cammy stepped in. The water pelted her chest first and she felt euphoric again.
    “Should I help you?”
    “Yes you can”
    A light went on the shower floor. It was as if the floor were glowing, dimly lit with the black and gold glass tiles reflecting the light onto their bodies, Liam’s now naked. The door to the shower was shut, as was the bathroom door. All other lights in the bathroom were off. The pulse of the music still rattling in their bodies, boom, boom, boom. Here was a bench in the shower and Cammy sat down. Liam sat beside her, moving his head with the pulses of the music, his eyes opening and closing.
    “I want to touch you Cammy, please let me touch you.”
    “Liam, I don’t know. I feel so good.”
    He said nothing more and started rubbing her body with his calloused hands. His fingers were very calloused f rom the guitar. It sent shivers up and down her spine. She held his hands and helped him run them over her. Reaching out and touching his chest, she felt the hard muscles that rippled up and down him. He was in good shape and sexy. The water ran off of them and he kissed her. It felt as if they were in the moment for an hour, the drug carrying their senses away. He stood her up and kneeled in front of her to lick her, to kiss her tenderness between her legs. She threw her head back and felt as she were going to faint, she was almost there, her hands upon his shoulders, pushing him down, when he pulled away.
    “Should I ask Hayden if it’s ok?”
    Liam wrapped a towel around his waist and left the bathroom. Cammy followed. When the bathroom door opened Hayden and Tara were standing there, waiting to get in. Cammy could tell that they had been screwing by Hayden’s face.
    “I was safe, I was safe” He whispered to Cammy.
    “Tara get the fuck out !” Liam yelled at her.
    It was if he were the master or something, everyone listened to him. She grabbed her clothes and left the room, fast. Liam again, still in his towel and the shower running, locked the door behind her.
    “I need to lay down baby, I’m gonna pass out” Hayden was holding his head, leaning against the wall.
    “Drink this Hayden” Liam handed him a bottle of water which he chugged down.
    “Whatever happens, happens.” Then Hayden passed out on the leather couch in Liam’s room. Cammy shook him, but he didn’t wake up.
    “Is he ok Liam?”
    “He’s ok Cammy, just done. He will sleep for a long time.”
    Putting a blanket on him and looking at Hayden as he lay on the leather couch by the window overlooking Detroit Cammy again was overtaken with sensation, the pulse of the music. She ran to Liam’s bed and fell upon it.
    “I have to turn off the shower”

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