Waiting for Jo
6’2” with light brown hair
and friendly hazel eyes. The other is even taller with very dark
hair and dark eyes. His chiseled chin nicely compliments his
perfect smile. Both are in excellent shape. I’m guessing they must
be fire fighters.
    “Hey ladies,” one of them says. “Can we sit
    “Of course!” Harley says. She pretends to not
see the dirty look I dart her way.
    The guys sit down and introduce themselves.
Hazel-eyed Mark starts chatting up Harley and she flirts with him
    Unfortunately, Ted decides to talk to me.
Over the span of what seems like half an hour, I hear his entire
life story. He tells me about his job, his two year old daughter,
his best friend, and his ex-wife. I put a small effort into
pretending to be interested, but I honestly couldn’t care any less.
He finally stops and tries to engage me.
    “So, what’s your story?” he asks.
    We’re interrupted by the server bringing over
four more Sex with an Alligator shots.
    “What’s my story?” I say before downing my
second shot. I unintentionally slam the glass down on the table.
“I’ll tell you my story. Let’s see. Where do I start? Okay, so, my
boyfriend broke up with me, and I now work for him. He acts really
jealous and flirts with me all the time, but doesn’t seem to
actually want to be with me. I also seem to have a stalker who is
really trying to scare me. And I think I might be falling for a guy
who is broke and who, based on his track record, probably won’t be
sticking around town too long. That’s my story,” I say. “Excuse me,
miss.” I flag down the server. “Can you bring me another one of
these alligator drinks? Thanks.”
    Ned, or Ted, or Fred or whatever his name
looks at me like I’m crazy. “Well, it sounds like you’ve gone
through a lot lately. I’m sorry,” he says, trying to be
    “Thanks, Ned. I appreciate it.”

    “It’s Ted,” he says.
    The server brings me another drink, and I
down it quickly. “Sorry, Ted. My bad.”
    “I think it’s time for my friend and me to
go,” Harley says. “She’s had a rough day.” Harley throws down some
cash and grabs my wrist. “Come on, Jo. Let’s go.”
    “But I want another alligator drink,” I
    “No way. You’ve had enough. I’m taking you
    Harley continues pulling me by the wrist
until I budge from my chair. “Thanks for the drinks, Ned. I’ll see
you later,” I say.
    “Jesus Christ, you’re a light weight,” Harley
says as she guides me toward the passenger seat of her Acura.
    Harley gets in the driver’s seat, pulls my
seatbelt across my chest and buckles it. I fish around in my purse
for my cell phone and pull it out. I begin to type in my passcode
to unlock the phone.
    “What the hell are you doing, Jo?”
    “Calling James. It’s time to tell him what’s
up. No more of this bullshit,” I say confidently.
    Harley tries to grab the phone out of my
hand, but I see her coming and pull it back.
    “Okay. Fine. If you want to call James while
you’re on the verge of drunk, that’s your problem. But you’re going
to regret it in the morning. And don’t forget that you actually
have to see him and work with him.”
    Even in my drunken haze, I know that Harley
is right, and I silently put the phone back in my purse.
    “Good girl,” Harley says. “Now, let’s get you
home before you try to do any other crazy shit.”
    It’s only 8:45, but I decide to get in bed,
watch TV, and cuddle with Malcolm. I pull back my soft duvet and
slide in between the Egyptian cotton, 1000-thread-count sheets that
I splurged on for my birthday last year. Malcolm jumps up on the
bed and lies down next to me, resting his head on my thigh.
    I try to relax, but I can’t stop thinking
about James. I don’t know what he wants, and I’m getting tired of
wondering. Maybe he only wants sex. But if that’s the case, why
does he act jealous? And if he wants to be with me, why doesn’t he
just say

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