Vendetta: Lucky's Revenge

Vendetta: Lucky's Revenge by Jackie Collins

Book: Vendetta: Lucky's Revenge by Jackie Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jackie Collins
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alone now. Remember that, Alex.”
    How could he ever forget when she was constantly reminding him.
    Fortunately, she’d always had a certain amount of money. Not that she’d ever put any in his direction. Not that he’d ever wanted any.
    Tin Lee rose to her feet. “I’m going to the ladies’ room,” she said.
    His mother had the grace to wait until Tin Lee was out of earshot before she launched into her usual stream of criticism. “Don’t you know any American girls, Alex? Surely some of the actresses in your films would be suitable for you to take out? Why are you always with these Asian women? They arrive here searching for the good life however, I’m sure you’re aware that in their own country most of them were no better than cheap street prostitutes.”
    “You have no idea what you’re talking about,” he said, trying not to get too pissed off at her stupidity.
    “I certainly do,” Dominique replied, tapping a talon-like finger on the table. “I’m the disgrace of my ladies’ bridge club because of you.”
    “ Me? ”
    “Yes, Alex, you. They read about you in those tabloid papers. They tell me appalling things.”
    “What things?”
    “Why can’t you settle down with a decent American girl?”
    How many times had they had this conversation?
    How many times had he blown up and screamed at her?
    He’d learned, after years of therapy, that it simply wasn’t worth it anymore. What she said was completely meaningless, and he refused to take any notice of her cruel barbs.
    By the end of dinner, he was drunk. When they left the restaurant, Tin Lee automatically slid behind the wheel of the Mercedes.
    “I can drive,” he objected, teetering on the sidewalk.
    “No, you can’t,” she said, firm but nice. “Get in the back, Alex.”
    “Smart little cookie, this one,” his mother murmured, climbing in the front passenger seat.
    Like she would know. Dominique knew nothing. Nada. Shit. She was a mean, bigoted, hateful woman. And yet she was his mother, so therefore he had to love her, didn’t he?
    He slumped across the backseat of the car, moodily silent until they dropped Dominique off at her condo on Doheny.
    “It was such a pleasure meeting you, Mrs. Woods,” Tin Lee said, still rallying. This girl had impeccable manners.
    Dominique nodded imperiously. “You, too, dear.” A pause. “However, take a word of advice from an older and wiser woman. Alex is not for you, he’s too old. Be a clever girl and find a boy your own age.”
    Gee, thanks, Mom. Fuck you, too .
    Dominique swept into her building without looking back.
    “She’s uh…very nice,” Tin Lee said, groping for words.
    Alex laughed uproariously. “Very nice, my ass. She’s a raving bitch, and you know it.”
    “Alex, please don’t talk about your mother like that. It’s bad karma.”
    “I don’t give a shit about karma,” he said, drunkenly fondling her small breasts from behind. “Drive me home, baby, I’m gonna show you how a bald, ugly has-been gets it on. I’m gonna light up your fuckin’ world!”
    Jeff Stoner circled the room, summing up the action.
    Cooper watched him, understanding every move. He’d been like that once—ambitious, hungry for the big time. Jeff had the look that Cooper knew so well, and he didn’t like it because he was well aware that if he didn’t act to prevent it, tonight Jeff Stoner was definitely going to score with Leslie. She looked too delectable to be left alone after everyone had gone home.
    Cooper knew exactly how Jeff would operate. He’d stay for a nightcap, bombard her with compliments, get her talking about herself, and then POW—he’d zero in for his big chance. After all, apart from being gorgeous, Leslie was the star of the film, she had the director’s ear; therefore—with a small amount of effort—she could convince the director to enlarge Jeff’s minor role.
    “Something wrong?” Venus interrupted his thought process with a beringed hand on his arm.

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