Van Laven Chronicles

Van Laven Chronicles by Tyler Chase

Book: Van Laven Chronicles by Tyler Chase Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tyler Chase
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red-headed girl called Meglyn. “Let’s give him a good show, shall we?”
    “As you wish, Sire. But when we’re through, may I have the honor of deflowering the cub?” She asked as she slid her milky white legs around Edred’s waist.
    “Be my guest,” he answered to the objections of the other girls. “Oh, quiet down. You will all have your turn unless you wear the boy out.” Duke Edred’s words were met with expressions of delight as their eyes gazed hungrily upon his son.
    With no other choice, Crausin watched as the Duke provided visual instruction as to how a man satisfied himself upon a woman. As Edred thrust and twisted rhythmically between Meg’s sinuous legs, Crausin tried to turn away in disgust but found that he could not tear his eyes from the undulating, hypnotic movement of their bodies. Soon his own blood was rushing forth filling his member till it ached and his heart pounded loudly in his ears.
    When it was over, Edred climbed out of the bed and donned a robe before beckoning Crausin to come forward and have a go at Meglyn. When Crausin hesitated, the dark-haired girl took him by the hand and drew him to the bed.
    “Come, darling,” Meglyn said, holding her hand out to him, her skin still pink from Edred’s exertions. “Look at you, so beautiful, you are. How sweetly you blush.”
    Crausin looked into her lively green eyes and at her rose colored lips, and then at the way her red hair fell about her shoulders. Suddenly his eyes grew large at the realization - Meg was the very image of Cristalla, his deceased mother! Was this some perverse joke that Edred intended to play on him? How did he imagine that Crausin could lay down with her? Horrified and repulsed by the prospect, he turned to run away but Edred was quick snatching him up.
    “Damn you! For once in your life, act like a man.” he commanded, shoving him down upon Meg. “Just take her!”
    “A different girl, please.” Crausin begged as he tried to get up. “Not her!”
    Edred’s hand flew hard across the side of his head, knocking him back down. “Do it now or I swear I’ll cut it off! I swear it!”
    Crausin’s ear rang from the blow and the familiar taste of blood filled his mouth. But he knew that this was nothing compared to what the Duke would do if he failed to obey his command.
    Meg gazed at Crausin, her eyes were softer now and her smile sympathetic as if she didn’t feel the collective stare of all upon them.
    You must know how greatly you resemble my mother, Crausin thought, you are just as cruel as he is.
    The prince pushed Meg down and moved over her, determined to unleash seventeen years’ worth of his anger and degradation upon her. He refused to accept any affection that she attempted to offer in exchange for his innocence. Fueled by rage toward his father, anger toward his mother and resentment at the demands placed upon his life, he drove into Meg, repeating the act that he had witnessed Edred perform. He hated Edred for humiliating him this way. He hated Meg for looking so much like his mother. He hated Cristalla for abandoning him as a child when he had needed her most. And most of all, he hated his own body for betraying him by taking pleasure in the obscene act. He prayed that the whole place would burn down around them, bringing his hellish existence to an end. But as pleasure mounted, crowding out all other thought, it pleased him immeasurably that this time Cristalla could not elude his touch, that this time she would stay for as long as he needed her, until he was satisfied. To his shame, this thought quickly carried him to the most sublime release.
    But the moment it was over and reason returned, he could not bring himself to look at Meg. Disgusted with the memory of her still clinging to him, he moved away from her.
    “Now there’s a good lad,” Edred said, clapping him on the back. “Well done, boy. Well done.”
    It was the first and only time Crausin had heard any words of praise from his

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