Van, Becca - Keira's Wolf Saviors [Pack Law 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Van, Becca - Keira's Wolf Saviors [Pack Law 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Becca van

Book: Van, Becca - Keira's Wolf Saviors [Pack Law 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) by Becca van Read Free Book Online
Authors: Becca van
those doors and get some answers. He looked up and down the hallway when he scented his brothers. He could see the anxiety on Greg’s and Jake’s faces and wanted to be able to tell them some news, but he didn’t know anything himself. Just as they got to his side, the double doors to the theater opened to admit a small woman who didn’t look old enough to be practicing medicine.
    “Are you with Keira O’Lachlan?” the small woman asked.
    “Yes. How is she?” Devon asked.
    “She is fine. She has remarkable healing capabilities. The gunshot wound has closed and is healing rapidly. Would you know the reason for this miracle?”
    Devon wasn’t sure how to answer. He looked at his brothers and back to the young doctor again. Greg move forward from the corner of his eye until he stood in front of the woman.
    “If I tell you, you will have to keep it a secret. The last thing we need is the government or the medical profession coming after us,” Greg replied.
    “How about you all follow me to my office? I’m Dr. Charity Stoner,” Dr. Stoner said.
    “Keira was shot in the shoulder and even though the bullet went straight through there was a lot of tissue and ligament damage. The bleeding has stopped and the arteries and veins have closed. I disinfected her shoulder and gave her a shot of antibiotics to stave off infection, but from what you have told me I don’t think we have anything to worry about. She lost quite a bit of blood, but I didn’t need to transfuse her. She has a large contusion on her left temple, which is my biggest worry. She hasn’t regained consciousness, and the longer she stays out the more there is to worry over. If she isn’t awake within the next hour, I will have to inject dye into her body and have an MRI scan done on her brain. If her brain is swollen and bruised it could mean she has brain damage, but we won’t know for sure until she’s awake.”
    “Fuck it. If that bastard wasn’t already dead, I’d kill him myself.” Jake growled.
    “I’d like to know what happened to Keira if you have the time to explain,” Dr. Stoner said.
    Dr. Stoner’s pager beeped, and she tilted it up then smiled at them.
    “Keira has just regained consciousness,” Dr. Stoner said. “I’m sure you’d like to see her.”
    Devon and his brothers followed Dr. Stoner from her office down the corridor and into a curtained-off cubicle. The sight of their mate trying to reach for a cup of water was the best thing Devon had seen all day. He rushed over to the table and picked up the cup. He sat on the side of the bed, slid an arm beneath her shoulders, and supported her weight as he held the cup to her lips. She took a few sips, and then he helped to ease her back down to the pillows.
    “Keira, I’m glad to see you awake. I’m Dr. Charity Stoner and have been looking after you. Do you remember what happened?”
    “David, he kidnapped me at gunpoint. He was taking me to the airport outside of Farmington. I crashed the car,” Keira whispered.
    Devon saw the tears in Keira’s eyes, and from the glazed look and sluggish pupils, he knew she had to have one hell of a headache. He wrapped her in his arms and kissed the top of her head.
    “You’re safe now, sweetness. He won’t be bothering you anymore,” Devon stated, his throat tight with emotion.
    “He’s dead, isn’t he? I killed my own brother,” Keira whispered and began to cry. The sound of her sniffling and sobbing had moisture gathering in Devon’s eyes. He looked to his brothers and saw they were in the same condition as he was.
    “I’ll leave you to comfort your mate. I still want to hear what happened from you all one day real soon,” Dr. Stoner said to Devon and his brothers and then left the room. She popped her head back around the curtain a moment later and smiled. “Keira is going to be just fine.”
    Devon closed his eyes and inhaled Keira’s familiar sweet scent as he picked her up into his arms and rocked her as she cried.

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