Lilith - TI3
the comment.
    "Do you believe in God?" Cammie asked.
    "I believe in some things, if that is what you are asking. As for God, not really, at least not in the normal sense. Sometimes I wonder though."
    "I can understand that. There are things out there..." she motioned toward the door, "beyond the wildest imaginations of humanity. Things that would terrify even the most devout."
    "I have seen so much evil in my lives, even participated in some in my own way. Perhaps I'm being punished for my indiscretions, perhaps there is a god beyond the one I know who watches us and doles out justice to someone like me."
    Yemaya didn't miss the use of the word live s instead of life... nor the strange reference to the god she knew. Frowning, she leaned forward and placed her hand over Cammie's and squeezed it. A sensual warmth crept up her arm and through her body before settling gently in the groin area. It was disquieting, but she refused to release her grip.
    "I do not believe any god would punish you for something you cannot control. He or she wouldn't be much of a god then. So... this energy you project... I take it, you were born with it?"
    Cammie nodded.
    "It's unusual but not unheard of amongst Cambions."
    "I'll get to that later, but to answer your question, yes."
    "Then it is a part of you. Surely you do not blame yourself for what is part of your natural makeup."
    "Not really, but I can for how I use it."
    "That may be true... but you do not strike me as a woman who would intentionally hurt someone. Why else would you be here? Your concern for Dakota is real."
    "To redeem myself? Perhaps I've grown weary of the way I am and want something more... or maybe I'm just fooling myself into thinking I can be someone I'm not."
    "Listen, Cammie. I know we have just met. I may not know your past or the things you have done... but I would know if you were amoral. Trust me on this."
    "I'm not sure why but I do," Cammie replied, quietly, smiling for the first time.
    "Good. Now, tell me about this power and why Dakota acted so strangely."
    "Well, as you said, it's part of me. Some would call it a gift."
    "Yes. I sometimes think the Fates are either cruel or have a wicked sense of humor."
    "I know what you mean."
    "I imagine you do. Anyway, in my first life, as a child I learned I was born from lust and hatred. My parents couldn't stand each other."
    First life ,  wondered Yemaya but decided not to ask.
    "They must have felt something more."
    "Not really. Only the need to dominate and possess each other. They didn't love each other. It was just copulation. The very act defiled the meaning of love. Their only purpose in life was to seduce whomever they wanted. Neither felt compassion nor desire. In the end, they destroyed everything they touched. I was a mistake... the unfortunate combination of poor timing and bad luck... and both of my parents were appalled to discover their attempts at dominance had resulted in my conception."
    "Surely they loved you after you were born."
    Cammie's laughter held no humor.
    "They don't know the meaning of love, although I have to admit it's not their fault. It just isn't a part of their natural makeup. I sometimes think that’s the reason I’m the way I am. Anyway, I've always believed life was a balance, good and bad, love and hate. I guess I'm proof of the latter. Because my parents were filled with so much hatred, I was born to be loved, an immeasurable, eternal, shallow love that is fleeting at best."
    "Fleeting? I am not sure I follow you,"
    "I know. Sorry. Let me see if I can explain this better. You asked about my power. People around me quickly fall in love with me and just as quickly fall out. That's what Dakota experienced."
    "I see. So, this love... it is not real?"
    "Oh, it's real. If Dakota were to stay by my side, I could make her the

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