Vampire in Denial
Tessa grinned. "Isn't it great when everyone thinks you're too young to know anything?"
    "That's the truth. Come on. Let's get this show on the road." He held out a hand. She took it and the two jumped to the ground in a graceful leap.
    Tessa landed in front of her family's shocked faces. She laughed as pride and joy rolled through her. "Not quite the klutz you thought I was, huh?"
    Rhia grinned, appreciation of her daughter shining on her face. "Honey, I never thought that about you."
    "Right." Tessa turned to her father. "I'm going to find Jared. Maybe with other vampires and maybe without, depending on if anyone wants to come." She raised one eyebrow at the bluster starting to build on her father's face. "And don't bother arguing. It's something I have to do."
    She glanced at the crowd collecting around her. "Is anyone willing to go with me?" When several people cried out 'yes,' she nodded and held up her hand. "Just to make sure you understand. We're going to rescue a human. Possibly more as we've found one dead one already. And we will be going against vampires. I don't know who is behind this or why they've taken humans but there's a good chance these are vampires we might know. Don't make this decision lightly."
    She offered a grim smile as people did a rethink. "That's right. There could be some unpleasant surprises at the end of our journey. I'm not afraid of them." Eyes flashed at the mention of any of them being afraid. She smiled inwardly. A vampire's ego was not something to fool around with. "I don't have any choice. I feel responsible for Jared's kidnapping, and I will do everything I can to rescue him. But for the rest of you, it's a choice. Think about it and think about it seriously."
    Several people exchanged glances with their neighbors.
    Tessa continued her warning. "The other issue is someone has already died. He may have died from natural causes and he may have had help. The truth is that being kidnapped and chained up like a dog for an unknown number of hours did not help him to survive. I've been attacked twice. For the rest of you, injuries or even death are possibilities. These are vampires who may know just how to do that. You could be giving up your eternal life."
    She nodded a second time. "Right. This is serious business."
    Turning around to face Cody, she asked him, "In or out?"
    "In," he snapped. "There's no option for me. I can identify them, and I was there with you when you were attacked. I'm going."
    "So am I." David stepped forward, and that started the surge in the crowd.
    "Hey, I want to come. At least we'd be doing something vampire-ish. It's like we've lost our souls these days."
    Tessa, with a question on her face, turned to face Ian, the speaker.
    The tall quiet member of David's group explained. "We're vampires, Tessa. We're born to hunt. Denying our basic instinct is like being one of the living dead."
    Laughter greeted his words. Jacob, the oldest and most intimidating to Tessa, nodded. "He's right. We all feel we are a kind of living dead. Truthfully."
    "Keep in mind," said Cody. "We'll be trying to save the treaty so that our easy life continues."
    Goran stepped up. "That's enough. You younglings can't go alone."
    David turned on him, surprising everyone. "Well, she tried to get your support and Dad's. Now she's given up and is going regardless."
    Rhia stepped forward. "If you aren't going with them, Serus, then I am. Actually…" She thought about it for a half second. "I'm going, regardless. They don't know all the vampires. I do."
    "Hey, that's great." Goran smacked Serus on the back. "We haven't had a good rumble for ages."
    "Who said I wanted one now? I'm too old for this shit," grumbled Serus.
    "Then stay home and tend the fires, Dad. We'll say hello to Moltere for you," David said.
    Shock lined Serus's face. "What does Moltere have to do with

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