Vampire in Denial
anything until it's too late and someone else gets killed." Cody searched the area. He was unable to shake the worry that Tessa could be planning to take off again.
    "The problem here isn't that no one will do anything, but that they can't figure out what to do. The vehicles have been seen around, although no one seems to know who owns them," David said. "Some people know of the house but said it changed hands a couple decades ago, and they don't know who owns it now."
    Cody grinned as Wendy and Jacob joined them. Wendy was cool. Good in school and didn't have quite as much attitude as many of their peers. She was a glider. Jacob was too. He was okay – a bit arrogant, but then weren't they all.
    "Hey, like this is so messed up." Jacob grinned, his excitement lighting up the place. Jacob could always be found in the center of any trouble brewing.
    Jewel stepped closer to David. "Cody, did you really see a dead person?"
    At Cody's nod, horror filled her gaze, and she slid closer to David. "That's so terrible."
    David grinned and winked at Cody.
    Cody tried not to smile. David had been panting after Jewel for a long time now. About time he made some headway. Jewel was a decent sort. Not critical and harsh like many of the the other women. Cody was happy for his friend. And damn, that brought Tessa right back into his mind.
    "What are we going to do about this?" Soberly, Ian jammed his hands deep into his pockets while he waited for an answer.
    "That's what we're trying to figure out." Cody turned around, looking for Tessa. "Has anyone seen Tessa lately?"
    "Outside," Jewel answered. "I saw her go out a moment ago."
    "Shit." Cody bolted out the closest door. "Tessa, where are you?"
    David raced out behind him, their friends spilling out the door in their wake.
    "I'm here. Stop yelling."
    As one, the group followed her voice, craning their necks to find her in the trees above the house.
    "What are you doing up there?" David snapped.
    Goran, Serus, and Rhia raced outside to stand beside the younger group. The adults looked up at her, frowns settling on the men while her mother gasped in shock.
    Rhia stepped closer as if to catch Tessa if she did fall. "Tessa, no! Get down here right now before you fall. You've got a head injury, remember?"
    "I'm fine, Mom. I just came outside for a little peace and quiet."
    David shifted closer. "Huh…Mom, ordering her around isn't likely to get her cooperation."
    "Cooperation? She's recovering from two head injuries. She's liable to fall out of that damn tree any minute." Rhia's voice grew until she was practically screaming. "Serus, please , go up and get her."
    "I can get down on my own you know," Tessa called down.
    "And you might fall, too, damn it."
    "I'll go." Cody didn't wait for anyone's approval or discussion. He understood how Tessa must feel. She'd want to get out of this on her own; however, should anything go wrong… He couldn't let that happen. There appeared to be a slight improvement in the adults' mindset, but a mishap at this point would destroy that.
    With a graceful leap, Cody cleared the heads of those standing close to him before spreading his wings. He reached Tessa's side in one full stroke.
    "Come to rescue me again, Cody? Or doing their bidding?"
    "Neither. I thought I could give you a graceful exit down. Then, maybe we could get some help to go find Jared."
    Tessa's eyes widened. "Really?" Hope crept into her voice.
    It hurt Cody to see Tessa's doubt and lack of faith. Vampires were clannish and generally their decision-making process took time, but once the decision was made they charged forward. "David and some of our friends have gathered together. I'm sure the elders will want to join the fray, if for no other reason than to keep us younglings safe." He couldn't quite keep the derisive sarcasm from his voice.
    He needn't have worried.

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