have to decide between staying warm in the winter, or buying food. What happens when ships, or airplanes don’t need fuel? I expect you people to come up with what industries you think will be affected, and how. I want plans we can put up on the web to self manufacture these…yesterday people. Divide up. Chop chop people.”
    You know this news will leak out don’t you, Corey said – ah selling short is still legal in some places. You will make a fortune.
    My plan Corey… Every now and then a blind hog will find a truffle.
    Very apt analogy for you Richard (chuckle)…
    If we send the plans out worldwide – it will start with a few making them, and they will work. We could sell kits at 10% above cost, or assembled for a lot more. I thought we’d need electricians to pull the power meters off homes, but I’ll let the power companies come do that for the people. What used to be a dire threat for people will become a new type of protest. People have been held hostage to utility companies for such a long time – they will take some convincing.
    Corey, I continued. Would you figure out marketing, and such to install these power devices? We’ll need shops to convert people’s electric cars, and new training modules to teach people how to do new jobs. Let’s set up skill training centers to ‘quick teach’ new skills at really low prices. No more ‘stimulation.’ Something like $20 for basic high school education, and electrician $20, politician 25 cents, I thought.
    Funny. I’ll give you a list that is a bit better organized, and thought through. You feeling any different lately? Corey inquired .
    I have been itching, and sneezing some. I thought I was immune to viruses, and bacterial infections now?
    You are…that’s just the nanites I gave you this morning in those nose drops.
    You said that would make me feel better. I feel like crap.
    They are just rewriting some of your DNA. You will soon have more natural intellect, faster reaction times, more stamina, more strength, more vigor – what age do you want to appear?
    Hum-m. Keep it in the early thirties, but keep that gray streak in my hair. People don’t want too young a guy making decisions. I’ll be seventy years old next month. How long do you think I’ll live?
    ‘Til the horde gets here, or the water barons kill you – a few more months.
    Funny. Corey. Real funny.

    I went to the military guys first, and offered them the same old ten percent above cost, and they thought it was a good idea, but General Stephens surprised me.
    “These will be great, and you say you have them in any capacity I need? Are these costs correct? These don’t cost nearly anything, but they create another problem. All our weapons use flammable hydrocarbons, and even though we have a lot of that now – we have to ship that to the forward units through hostile territory. How about coming up with another power source for our weapons? Something that would only require changing the recharge units on the weapons instead of all new weapons,” he said.
    Corey was quick on the uptake, and I had missed it, supercapacitors…doable. I’ll send information to the next engineer, or two, when they’re doing stimulation training.
    “Good idea General. I’ll try to get it done yesterday if we have a deal with the zero point generators,” I said.
    Stephens went on. “My people all tell me they work just fine, and I will authorize this myself. These generators cost just a fraction of my fuel budget, but it will piss off many of the folks that sell us fuel.”
    “No doubt about that sir. We’re on it,” and I ducked out of his office. Shit. We’d have to really move on this one. Corey. Can we really make supercapacitors that will charge almost immediately, but keep a charge for a good period of time?
    Ah. Should be no problem. I’m surprised I didn’t think about it. Even I have blind spots. Supercapacitors can take a charge in a few seconds, and the ones I

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