
Unwrapped by Evelyn Adams

Book: Unwrapped by Evelyn Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evelyn Adams
shot his hand out of the cuff of his white shirt and glanced down at his watch.
Half past two. If she didn’t get tied up at her parents, she should be
ready to get back on the road. Hell, if she was looking forward to this weekend
half as much as he was, she was already on her way. He’d made one stop.
This was the last one before he could head home, too.
long weekend, alone at home, without the kids, he’d been thinking about
it for weeks. And every time he did, he pictured his wife’s tight ass and
how much he wanted to slide his cock into it. He got hard just thinking about
it. All he had to do was persuade her to let him. He had a plan for that, and
he had the whole weekend to work on it. They had time. Even if she said no
– he fought disappointment at that thought – they’d still be
able to have better sex than they’d both gotten used to lately. And if she said yes, well...
tired looking woman behind the counter called his number, and he shifted to
ease the tightness in his slacks. Thank God he could hold his suit jacket in
front of him or he’d scare the other deli patrons. He hadn’t felt
like this since he was a teenager. He gave the woman his order, and grinning to
himself, he watched her fill takeout containers with food and went back to
daydreaming about his wife’s ass.
had been in such a hurry to get back, she hadn’t stayed for lunch at her
parents’. She dropped off the kids, grabbed something at a drive-thru and
flew home, pushing the speed limit the whole way. She didn’t want to
waste a minute of their three precious child-free days. She wanted to be ready
when Tim got home, and she needed to shower and shave first.
off her shoes, she walked into the bathroom and stooped to turn on the water.
While the water heated, she stood in front of the mirror and slid open the
buttons on her white cotton shirt. The bra underneath was white, too. Maybe she
should have picked up some new lingerie for the weekend. She used to be more
adventurous, but two kids and fifteen years had shifted her priorities to the
stepped out of her jeans, letting them fall to the floor, looked at her plain
white cotton panties and grimaced. Crap, she thought. What kind of woman
doesn’t get new lingerie to celebrate her fifteenth wedding anniversary?
They’d decided to forgo the expense and hassle of a big trip, opting
instead for a quiet weekend at home, but still, she could have done more. Maybe
she could find something in the back of her drawer he hadn’t seen in a
body looked okay. She weighed more than she had when they got married, and her body
bore the marks of carrying two children, but she was still trim. She slid her bra straps off her shoulders and reached behind
her to undo the clasp. She let the bra fall to the floor and even in the steamy
bathroom her nipples pebbled to tight rosy peaks. Watching her reflection, she
cupped her breasts in her hands weighing first one then the other. Her breasts
were high and tight, if a little smaller than she wished.
it had been so long since they’d had time for more than sleepy end of the
day sex – fifteen minutes, an orgasm for each of them, and then too few
hours of sleep before they started the day again. She wanted more: more time,
more variety, just more. Tim was great; she loved him more than when she
married him. She just wanted time with him, just the two of them, the way it
had been when they first fell in love and spent hours
in bed together. She wasn’t even looking forward to dinner out tonight.
It was another step between her and sex with Tim, and she was already ready.
She didn’t want to wait.
thumbs brushed her already sensitive nipples, sending a jolt of desire deep in
her belly. Teasing her tight nipples, she pinched and rolled them between her
fingers. She could barely make out her reflection in the steam covered mirror,
and she let her head fall back as she

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