Off the Record

Off the Record by Alison Rose

Book: Off the Record by Alison Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alison Rose
would laugh if he knew how the simple act of fastening her seatbelt had affected her. Instead she looked down at the book on the seat between them. It was by one of her favourite authors and was obviously well-thumbed.
    Paul followed her gaze and reached out and picked up the book. ‘It doesn’t matter how many times I read this sucker, I keep finding more there. It’s a great book. Do you know it?’
    ‘Yes. It … it’s one my favourites. Have you read any of his others?’
    By the time they reached their destination, Kate had relaxed. She loved reading and was pleasantly surprised that she and Paul Brand should have that in common. Their lively debate soon had her laughing.
    ‘That’s better,’ he commented as the car turned into the underground car park of the hotel where the entourage was staying. ‘I thought we were in trouble back there.’
    She frowned. ‘What?’
    ‘I was sort of hoping you’d be pleased to see me, but I guess I over-estimated my charms.’
    She shook her head. ‘Your “charms” are irrelevant. I’m here to work.’
    ‘And that stops us being friends?’
    Kate looked at him, her green gaze challenging. ‘Is that what you want? Friendship?’
    He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. ‘If that’s what you want to call it, little lady, that’s OK with me.’
    ‘Oh for goodness sake!’ she snapped, as the car door slid open. ‘My work is important to me, and all I get from you is innuendo.’ She undid her seatbelt and left the car before he could notice the glitter of frustrated tears in her eyes. Without waiting for him she headed for the lift, blinking away the moisture.
    It was anger at his cavalier attitude, she assured herself. She certainly wasn’t crying over some light-weight … entertainer! She was here to do a job which could move her career on in leaps and bounds, and he wanted to distract her with his sexy grin and paperback collection!
    She almost made it. The lift door was just closing when he slipped inside. With a sniff she reached for the button for the ground floor, but he stopped her and inserted a key before pressing the one for the top floor instead.
    ‘I have to check in,’ she said, raising her hand to press the right button.
    He took her hand, wrapping his fingers around her own, sending electric sparks shooting up her arm. ‘Already taken care of.’
    ‘Oh.’ She disentangled her hand from his and stepped away, pressing herself against the back of the car.
    ‘What’s goin’ on, Kate?’ he asked quietly. ‘One minute we’re having a good time talking about books; the next minute you’re biting my head off.’
    She closed her eyes, ashamed. He had a point. It wasn’t his fault she was so mixed up. Or perhaps it was. But he didn’t need to know that. If he knew how vulnerable she was to him it would give him the advantage.
    ‘I’m sorry. I … It’s been a difficult day. This has all happened so quickly, and I’m a nervous flyer, and …’
    ‘And I scare the hell out of you.’
    She gasped her denial, which he ignored as he drew her towards him. She should have pulled back, told herself she wanted to pull back, but his warm hand stroking her cheek held her captive.
    ‘But that’s OK,’ he whispered his warm breath caressing her face, ‘because you scare the hell out of me too.’
    Her eyes widened in shock and then closed in surrender as his lips claimed hers and his arms enfolded her.
    Kate had no idea how long it took for the lift to reach the penthouse suite. When the doors opened silently she was still lost in the magic of Paul’s kiss. A polite cough barely registered on her consciousness. Only the electronic voice declaring ‘Doors closing’ pierced the sensual fog.
    Paul moved first, uttering a curse as he raised his head and shot out a hand to stop them from being enclosed again. He wasn’t quick enough, but the owner of the cough was, and a beefy hand prevented the doors from closing.
    Kate barely glanced at the

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