Unspoken Words (Unspoken #1)

Unspoken Words (Unspoken #1) by H. P. Davenport

Book: Unspoken Words (Unspoken #1) by H. P. Davenport Read Free Book Online
Authors: H. P. Davenport
doing. Stop being a baby.”
    Camryn pushed Christian against his chest, “I’m not a baby. I’m the same age as you, you idiot.”
    Chuckling, I walked over and grabbed my towel and Cami’s towel. “Come on, Tink, just ignore him. It’ll be fun.”
    A group of about six go over by the shed and spread their towels out. Christian went into the house and came back out with a bottle of liquor, I guess he snuck it out of their cabinet. It’s not like we were planning on drinking it, we just needed the bottle.
    Christian spins the bottle first and it lands on Chelsea. Christian asks her, “Truth or dare?” Chelsea squirms in her seat, then answers, “Truth.”
    “Is it true that you have a crush on Jamieson?” What the heck? Where did that come from? Why is he putting me on the hot seat? There were a million questions he could have asked, and he had to ask that. Chelsea blushes answering quickly, “Yes.”
    The group all starts to hoot and holler. Chelsea spins the bottle and it lands on Morgan and she asks, “Truth or dare?”
    Morgan is brazen and she doesn’t have any secrets, so she chooses dare. Chelsea dares her to kiss Lincoln. I know for a fact that she likes Lincoln, but the two of them are just friends. They both say they are too young for a girlfriend or a boyfriend. Lincoln leans into the circle and puckers his lips, making kissing noises at Morgan. When Morgan laughs at him, he acts like he is making out with her, sticking his tongue in and out of his mouth. “You’re gross, what are you doing. I hope when you kiss a girl, you don’t kiss like that,” Morgan says. She moves to the middle of the circle, and Lincoln moves in and kisses her on the lips softly and then pulls back and places another one on her forehead. He leans into her and says, “When I really kiss you, you’ll know it.” Morgan shoots Lincoln a dirty look and moves back to her towel. Lincoln spins the bottle and it lands on Camryn.
    Raising his eyebrows at her, “What’s it gonna be, baby girl, truth or dare?” Lincoln has called Camryn ‘baby girl’ since they met a few years ago. It’s not like he is older than her, we are all the same age, but he started calling her baby girl and it just stuck.
    Camryn looks around the group, trying to decide which is easier. I don’t think Lincoln would embarrass her that much, but Camryn doesn’t like people in her business, so I doubt she will pick truth. “Dare, but you better not make me eat something gross, Lincoln.”
    Laughing, Lincoln rubs his chin and looks directly at me. When he raises his eyebrows at me, I know I’m going to be part of Lincoln’s dare. He never takes his eyes off of me when he addresses Camryn, “I dare you to make out with Jamieson. I don’t mean a peck, or a kiss on the cheek, I mean a full-on kiss.”
    I never break eye contact with Lincoln, he knows I am going to beat the shit out of him when this is done. I can’t believe he put us on the spot like this in front of everyone. Everyone teases us that we like each other, but we’re just best friends. I have Cami’s back and she has mine. I get up and stand in the middle of the circle. Our friends were hooting, and chanting, ‘kiss him, kiss him’. Christian shushes the group, “Hey, keep it down, you’re gonna make our parents come out.”
    Camryn got up and came to stand with me in the middle. I took her hand, feeling her shaking. “Breathe, Tink. It’s just me.” I try to calm her down. I don’t know if she ever kissed a boy before. Not that I have kissed a ton of girls either, but I don’t want her to be embarrassed. Camryn squeezed my hand letting me know she’s listening to me. I placed my finger under her chin, gently guiding her to look me in the eyes. “I’m nervous too, but we’ll do this together, alright.”
    Camryn nodded her head and continued eyeing me. I was gonna have to talk her through this, so I placed my hands on the sides of her face. I leaned in and whispered,

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