The Master Falconer

The Master Falconer by C. J. Box

Book: The Master Falconer by C. J. Box Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. J. Box
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    eISBN : 978-1-101-53205-8

    Nowhere to Run
    Below Zero
    Blood Trail
    Free Fire
    In Plain Sight
    Out of Range
    Trophy Hunt
    Savage Run
    Open Season
    Three Weeks to Say Goodbye
    Blue Heaven
    Connect online:

“Man has emerged from the shadows of antiquity with a peregrine on his wrist.”
    —ROGER TORY PETERSON, Birds Over America

    IN THE MIDNIGHT FORESTS OF THE BIGHORN MOUNTAINS, BELOW timberline, all movement and sound ceased with the approaching roar. Elk quit grazing and raised their heads. Squirrels stopped chattering. The increasing roar caused the ground to tremble. And suddenly the stars blacked out as the huge aircraft skirted over the mountaintops, landing lights blazing, landing gear descending, the howl of jet engines pounding downward through the branches into the earth itself. The tiny town of Saddlestring, Wyoming, was laid out before the nose of the plane like a dropped jewelry box, lights winking in the night against black felt, the lighted runway just long enough for a plane this size to land on, but just barely.
    THE NEXT MORNING, Nate Romanowski slipped out of Alisha Whiteplume’s quilt-covered bed on the Wind River Indian Reservation, pulled on a loose pair of shorts, and searched through the cupboards of her small kitchen for coffee. He tried not to wake her. There were cans of refried beans and jars of picante sauce, home-canned trout in Mason jars, but no coffee except instant.
    As two mugs of water heated in the microwave, he opened the kitchen blinds. Dawn. Early fall. Dew and fallen leaves on the grass, dried into fists. A skinned-out antelope buck hung to cool from the basketball hoop over the garage.
    Nate was tall, rangy, with sharp features and a deliberate, liquid way of moving.

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