
Unsevered by Traci Sanders

Book: Unsevered by Traci Sanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Traci Sanders
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sure? I mean, 100 percent sure.”
    I am such a skeptic and always want guarantees.
    “Well, there are no guarantees, but I’ve been doing this for about twenty years, and I’d say there’s a 99.9 percent chance you’re having a boy,” the doctor assures me.
    Mom, Gretchen, Chelsea and I can’t contain our excitement at this point and we all look at each other and scream out in unison. “It’s a boy!”
    We share more laughter and a few more tears. My son goes back to sucking his thumb but turns his head toward us every time I speak, as if he’s looking for me. It’s one of the most amazing things I’ve ever experienced.
    When the appointment is over, Dr. Ansley asks me who my favorite singer is and I reply, “Celine Dion.” She makes a note on her paper and lets us know we can pick up the DVD to take home at the front desk.
    We wait about twenty minutes and then the receptionist calls me to the desk to pick up my paperwork and DVD copy.
    “Dr. Ansley said to let you know that there’s a surprise on the video for you. Have a great day,” the blonde says with a knowing smile.
    I can’t wait to get home to watch it all over again.

    I ’m exhausted when I walk through the front door back at home, but still anxious to see what the surprise is.
    “Jewel, have a seat on the sofa and I’ll get you a snack,” Mom says.
    She props my feet up on a pillow on the coffee table before walking to the kitchen. Chelsea loads the DVD in the player as Gretchen carries my bags and pamphlets to my bedroom. The video begins and all the women are back in the living room, glued to the TV screen.
    I see my son’s face on the screen and my heart melts again. I’m drying my tears when these words appear:
    You’ll be his first kiss, his first love, his first friend.
    You are his mama, and he is your little boy.
    Nothing can ever break that bond.
    It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, and I rub my belly thinking about the day I’ll be able to meet this wonderful little boy inside me.
    Music begins to play and my tears flow without shame. It’s a song by Celine Dion titled “ Miracle.’’ My mom hands me a few tissues and then passes them around the room to my friends. It’s an emotional moment.
    Soon the video ends and we all look at each other and laugh at how sappy we are. Our mascara is running and our tissues are drenched. Truly a woman-bonding experience.
    Gretchen and Chelsea have to get back home, so we hug and plan our next get together. They are a little vague on the confirmation, so I know it’s probably going to be my “surprise” baby shower.
    * * *       * * *      * * *
    I ’m thirty-two weeks along and as big as a house. I waddle everywhere I need to go. Mom was right. Even my yoga pants are a little uncomfortable now. Maternity clothes are the only option, unless I wear my pants below my belly, and that drives me crazy. Not happening.
    Apparently, the damage repaired itself. I can do gentle walking on the beach and occasionally go up and down the stairs, so Mom and Dan set me up in the guest room downstairs, which isn’t doing my ass any favors, but definitely helps with the exhaustion and back pain. I’m so thankful to have them here.
    I’ve finished reading the entire book of ‘What to Expect When You’re Expecting.” Needless to say, most of it was nothing like I expected, especially the childbirth part. I cross my legs tightly every time I think about it. My plan is to get an epidural as soon as possible. I have a high threshold of pain, but why suffer if technology can prevent it. I want to enjoy the experience.
    “Are you ready, honey?” Mom asks.
    We are making a random trip to the market to pick up some lemon-scented trash bags to “increase the happy vibes around here,” as she puts it.
    I grab my purse and prepare to leave. Mom sees my pony tail and says, “Why don’t you go curl your hair and throw on a little makeup before we go? You could

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