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Book: Unsevered by Traci Sanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Traci Sanders
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use a little color.”
    She’s so obvious. I know the baby shower is today and she’s just trying to get me out of the house so my friends can set everything up. But again, I let her have the moment.
    We spend almost two hours shopping, as she wants to look at “one more thing” before we leave the store. My legs are tired and I am sitting on a bench in the shoe store, which by the way doesn’t even sell trash bags. Subtlety is not her strong suit.
    “Mom, can we please go now? My feet are aching and I just want to go lie down,” I beg.
    Mom’s cell phone rings. She walks away to take the call, totally conspicuous.
    “That was Dan. He’s getting worried about us so we’d better be heading home before it gets dark.” It’s 3:30 p.m. She’s adorable.
    * * *       * * *      * * *
    I walk through the door to, of course, “Surprise” being yelled out by all my friends and family. Thankfully, I estimate only about twenty people to be in attendance. I don’t like crowds.
    The room is decorated in blue and yellow streamers, and a banner hanging in the entrance way that reads, “It’s A Boy.”
    Within seconds, a couple of my military wife friends are congratulating me and, of course, still offering their condolences about Harley. I thank them for coming with a cordial smile and make my way around the room to greet the other guests. My dad and Susan are there, along with my little sisters, Ariel and Ashley. I give them all a hug.
    Ariel, who is five, asks, “Do you really have a baby in your tummy?”
    “I do. Would you like to feel him?”
    She nods with a smile plastered on her face, and I lay her hand on my tummy, hoping the baby will perform for her.
    He does and she squeals with delight. Ashley, who is only three, stays close behind her mom. She’s a shy one.
    Susan hugs me. “Congratulations, Jewel. I’m sorry we haven’t been able to visit much since Harley passed.”
    “It’s okay. I guess I’m about to find out just how busy mommyhood can be,” I assure her and we both laugh. Then she takes both girls by the hand and leads them to the backyard, their blonde curls bouncing as they walk away.
    “Daddy, it’s so good to see you.” I give him a bear squeeze.
    “You too, pumpkin. I’ve missed you.”
    The party continues with food and games. Then, I play the DVD for everyone. The room is consumed with endearing sighs and a few tears. The video ends and I begin opening gifts.
    More ‘oohs’ and ‘ahs’ fill the room as I open tons of of onesies and other baby clothes, and a diaper bag with a little airplane on it. Harley would have loved it.
    I glance up and my eyes fix on something behind the sofa across from the chair I’m sitting in. I can barely make out his face but would know that smile anywhere. He’s here.
    “Is everything okay?” My mom asks with concern.
    I’m brought back to the moment when I realize everyone else doesn’t know why I’m smiling. I look back and he’s gone. “Yeah, I’m fine. I just thought I saw someone ... uh, something.”
    Thankfully she brushes it off and the party continues.
    The best surprise of all is from my dad. He walks out of the room and walks back in pushing the most beautiful natural-wood baby crib.
    “Do you recognize this?” he asks.
    “It’s mine from when I was a baby.” Tears well in my eyes as I run my fingers along the top railing.
    “Yep. I had it completely restored and baby-proofed. A lot of things have changed with the new crib standards, apparently.”
    “Dad, it’s beautiful.” He does care. I hug him tightly and cry on his shoulder. I can’t stop wishing Harley was here to see all of this.
    The festivities finally end and I’m exhausted. Mom escorts everyone out the door by saying, “Okay, let’s let the mommy get some rest.” She’s really been my rock through so many things in my life.
    Before everyone leaves, she reminds them to fill out a list next to the door with their signatures and their

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