
Unraveled by Reavis Z Wortham

Book: Unraveled by Reavis Z Wortham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Reavis Z Wortham
flicked the sharp dart toward the top without putting any effort into the throw. It hit the board and fell, popping three balloons on the way down.
    â€œSorry, kid. Falling dart. You lose.”
    â€œNo, he don’t.”
    Grandpa’s voice was clear as a bell over my shoulder. Mark was right beside him and I knew where he’d gone.
    â€œIt’s a disqualified throw. They have to stick.”
    â€œWhere does it say that? All I see is pop five for the prize.”
    The carney’s eyes hooded. “Them’s the rules.”
    Grandpa put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me back with the other two. He stepped close to the booth. “You want me to look real close at those darts? I bet they need sharpening. How about them balloons? They might look like they’re full, but I bet they ain’t hardly got no air in them at all.”
    I moved a little, and the man saw Grandpa’s gun on his hip, then he noticed the badge. In that second, he deflated like the limp balloons on the board. “Fine then.” He reached up to unhook a giant stuffed bear that was hanging overhead.
    â€œNot that.” I pointed. “She wants the radio over there.”
    It looked like someone had stole his soul. His shoulders slumped and he reached for one on the shelf.
    â€œNope.” Grandpa’s voice was soft, but it seemed to cut through all the noise and music. “Give her one of them you have hid under the counter.”
    With a pained look, the carney fetched a radio still in the box. Pepper took it like the guy was gonna grab her. Grandpa nodded his head. “Take it out and turn it on.”
    We waited while she did, and it flickered to life with static.
    Grandpa was satisfied. He took Pepper’s shoulder and turned her away from the game. Now, young lady…”
    He was interrupted when a guy with silver hair rushed up to Grandpa. “Constable, we got trouble.”
    â€œWe had trouble right here with one of your people, Delmar.”
    The carnival owner looked surprised when saw the radio in Pepper’s hand. “We’ll talk about that in a little bit. I just got word there’s a man dead in the parking lot.”
    Grandpa stiffened. “You kids find James and stay with him, and keep away from these games.” He took off after the carnival owner.
    â€œI think I saw Daddy by the gate.” Pepper headed toward the entrance.
    I followed, knowing what was on her mind. “You didn’t neither.”
    â€œIt’s a good place to start looking.”
    Mark hung back. “I know you. You’re gonna get us all in trouble.”
    â€œDaddy may be at the car. That’s the best place to meet up with him. Why, you scared?”
    I saw something in Mark’s eyes I’d never seen in my own. It was a look of complete confidence. “I’m not afraid of anything anymore.”
    â€œWe can’t get in trouble doing what we’re supposed to do.” She batted her eyes and pulled a strand of hair from her mouth. Her eyes widened. “Oh, I’m scayered .” She stretched the word into two long syllables. “I heard something about a dead man. I need my Daddy. ”
    There was no use arguing, so Mark and I followed her out the gate.

Chapter Fifteen
    The Wraith stood at the back of the crowd, watching from under a slouch hat that hid his features. Not even his own cousin nearby recognized him. It was good to be back in Lamar County, where he intended to settle up before leaving to earn a living in Alaska. He’d be safe there, far away from Texas. At least he wouldn’t have to put up with the humidity there, where the government would give 160 acres to any man who wanted to homestead.
    Ned followed the silver-haired carnival owner through the haphazard parking lot, dreading what he might find. As usual, bad news traveled fast and a crowd had already converged on a point farthest from the brightly lit grounds.

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