Unmasqued: An Erotic Novel of The Phantom of The Opera

Unmasqued: An Erotic Novel of The Phantom of The Opera by Colette Gale

Book: Unmasqued: An Erotic Novel of The Phantom of The Opera by Colette Gale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Colette Gale
the whole front of her breast into his mouth. Inside that hot, wet cavern, her nipple strained and he swirled his tongue, that thick, strong muscle, up and around and under her jutting nib.
    Carlotta slid a hand between her legs and found the kernel of her sex, jimmying it around as she rocked and he sucked and shecame closer to the end. The orgasm vibrated through her, and she moaned, keeping the rhythm of her finger strong until every last bit of pleasure had shuddered through her nerves.
    Guy released her nipple as she pulled away, and he was breathing hard. His eyes were dark and unfocused, his mouth open as he drew in circles of air. But his arms had remained behind his head as ordered.
    “Very good,” she purred, leaning forward to kiss him. She planted one hand on each side of his head, resting on his bulging forearms, wrapping her small white hands halfway around the tan muscles, and bent her lips to his.
    She tasted the bare musky scent of herself on him, and thrust her tongue into his mouth to get every drop. He began to kiss her back, his lips fighting with hers, but she pulled away.
    “I did not give you permission,” she reminded him sharply, sitting back on her heels, her hot quim warm on his belly. “You shall have to be punished quite thoroughly.”
    His eyes flared dark and his pupils grew larger, and for a moment, she thought he was about to beg. But he did not, for he did not have permission to speak.
    “Good, very good,” she told him, acknowledging his restraint. “Now you will eat me.” That ought to get him to the edge.
    She slithered up his hot, muscular torso, taking a moment to suck,
, on one flat nipple, before arranging her widespread legs over his face. Gripping the ornate iron decoration of the headboard above him, she positioned herself just above his mouth, making certain she was high enough that he would have to lift his head to reach her.
    The first swipe of his strong, hot tongue sent a wave of renewed lust spreading through her. He swept it over one thick labium, up, around, and down the other one. His tongue was flat and wide andwet and it made a delicious slapping sound as it dipped around her lips. Carlotta stifled a moan and tipped her head back, her breasts pressing against the cold iron scrollwork. Her nipples were tight again, hurting in their pleasure, and her knees began to tremble.
    She could see the red silk that draped from the ceiling in a sort of canopy above her and she focused on its burning hue, bringing the sensation of pulsing, red heat from her vision down to the throbbing of her sex. Guy slid his tongue into the slit between her inner and outer lips, tracing it around and back, around and back again. He had not touched her pip, not even slipped inside her vagina. Just stroked and teased over her hairless lips, sending her hips to rocking again above him.
    “Eat me!” she ordered, and felt the trembling of her knees and thighs, trying to keep herself from settling down over that luscious mouth. She would make him work for it. Beg her for it.
    But he wasn’t begging yet; he was nibbling at her labia now…ignoring her nib, ignoring that wide-open sex of her rumpled inner lips…just nibbling with gentle, hard teeth. Teasing. By God, he was teasing her!
    His tongue slipped away from her outer lip and swept over the delicately wrinkled skin between it and her inner thigh, down and over the shivery sensitive skin of her inner thigh, and then back to allow his lips to suck on the lower edge of one swollen labium. Right where it folded into her skin. She was dripping, and she felt her juices running down her thigh, heard the erotic wet sounds as his tongue lapped through them.
    “Eat me!” she ordered again, her voice husky.
    And then, without warning, Guy reared his head up and fastened his mouth around her hard, swollen pip and
, drawing the little nib harshly into his mouth, and pulling on it as though he were trying to swallow it.
    The sharpest,

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