Waypoint: Cache Quest Oregon

Waypoint: Cache Quest Oregon by Shauna Rice-Schober[thriller]

Book: Waypoint: Cache Quest Oregon by Shauna Rice-Schober[thriller] Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shauna Rice-Schober[thriller]
Tags: thiller
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cold you will weep.” she looked at Ben, “Final clue!” She started jumping up and down.
    “C’mon,” Ben said as he turned on the pathway, “Let’s grab our pack and go!” they both began to run as fast as they could. They reached the area of the nest and peeked around a bush, the eagle was still in its nest; Lacey crouched low to the ground and ran over, grabbed the pack, then ran back. She slipped the shoulder straps on, fastened the waist belt, and then nodded to Ben.
    He was still staring at the eagle, “Aunt Lacey, don’t you think it’s strange that the eagle could carry me?” He continued to stare.
    “Ben, I am not surprised at anything that is happening on this trip.” She began walking toward the trail.
    He caught up to her, “Isn’t it strange though, I mean, we wouldn’t have seen the fire if it wouldn’t have picked me up.”
    “Well, I guess everything happens for a reason, I’m just glad once again that I do not have to call your mom and tell her that you are dead.” She giggled then realized that Ben was serious.
    “I just think it’s strange, it could have just attacked me, I was knocked out from tripping,” he rubbed the bump on his forehead. “But it didn’t, it picked me up, and basically showed me the fire.”
    “I wouldn’t go that far.” Lacey said confidently, “that eagle was ticked off.” Just as the last words were coming out of her mouth she heard a loud shriek. They both looked up to see the eagle flying toward them, it was carrying something. They both dove to the ground, fear overcoming them. Suddenly they felt something fall on top of them, and then heard the eagle fly away. “Oh my gosh!” Lacey said as she lifted Ben’s torn sweatshirt off of her. She held it up to show Ben,
    “You think that is strange?” he held up a piece of a charcoaled branch, then placed it in Lacey’s hand; the wood was still warm from the fire. Ben took his sweatshirt, looked at the huge holes left in the back of it, from the eagle’s claws. He held it up, and then grabbed the piece of warm wood from Lacey’s hand. He eyed both items, “You’re right,” he said, pausing acknowledging her reaction, “probably just a coincidence.”

    B en put his feet up on the dashboard and reclined his seat. He was still a bit overwhelmed by the whole flying experience, but was starting to appreciate all the craziness this trip had brought him. Lacey wiped her forehead then turned the air conditioning down even lower.
    “Man, I’m freezing, can we warm it up a bit, please.” Ben complained.
    “Sorry, I just feel really hot; I’m sweatin’ bullets over here.” Lacey replied as she turned the AC back to a comfortable level. Ben looked over to see his aunt covered with sweat, her face was bright red, and she seemed to be having a hard time concentrating.
    “You okay?” He asked.
    “I don’t feel so good; maybe I need to eat something.” Ben reached and grabbed the backpack from the back seat, then rummaged through until he pulled out a protein bar. He unwrapped it then handed it to Lacey. She started to take large bites, then suddenly slammed on the brakes, pulled the car off the road, opened her door and threw up. Ben handed her a water bottle, she took a sip of water then let out a loud moan as she jumped out of the car and ran to the bushes.
    Ben turned the radio on and sat back in his seat, waiting. He knew from watching countless shows on the Discovery channel that stomach bacteria could be brutal, but smiled because he had warned her and she played the “I’m the adult, therefore I am right” card. She should have listened, he thought to himself.
    About twenty minutes later Lacey waddled gingerly out from the bushes. She looked completely exhausted and extremely pale. She opened the door, climbed into the car carefully, then turned the engine on and pulled back onto the road.
    “I told ya.” Ben said casually.
    “What? That, no that is just stress I think.”

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