Undressed (Undone by Love)

Undressed (Undone by Love) by Kristina Cook

Book: Undressed (Undone by Love) by Kristina Cook Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristina Cook
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    Chapter 7
    Brenna followed Jane up the steps of Mandeville House, admiring the grand façade as she trailed one hand along the wrought-iron railing. “It was so verra kind of Lady Mandeville to include me in her invitation to tea.”
    “Truly, she cannot wait to make your acquaintance . She nearly begged me to make the introduction.”  The heavy black door swung open to reveal a well-liveried butler standing in the entry hall.
    “Good afternoon, Miss Rosemoor,” he said, inclining his head.
    “Good afternoon, Matthews. We’re a bit early, but Lady Mandeville is expecting us. Don’t trouble yourself; I’ll show the marchioness’s guest to the yellow salon.”
    “But, miss...” the butler protested, shaking his head as Jane continued across the marble tiles and into a wide corridor, Brenna trailing helplessly behind .
    “Lucy won’t mind if we wait in the salon,” Jane said once they were out of the butler’s earshot . “It’s my favorite room in all of Mandeville House and where we always take our tea. French doors open up to a lovely terrace. Here we are.”  She reached for the doorknob. “Come, you must see the view of the garden from here.”
    Jane pushed the door open and froze, her fingers still clasping the cut-glass knob . Brenna peered around her, curious to see what had stilled her. A petite, golden-haired woman, surely Lady Mandeville, sat perched on the edge of a moss-green velvet chaise longue, where a man lounged carelessly in nothing but trousers, boots, waistcoat, and rumpled linen. A coat of dark blue superfine lay discarded across the curved arm of the chaise. His face was hidden from Brenna’s view, but she could see that he clutched one of Lady Mandeville’s hands in his own.
    Lord Mandeville, she hoped.
    “Colin,” Jane said at last, her voice sharp. Lady Mandeville looked up in surprise.
    Brenna’s stomach pitched . Colin? Nay, it couldn’t be.
    “Colin Rosemoor, whatever are you doing here?” Jane asked, hurrying across the room to the chaise .
    Indeed it was Colin. In a flash, he rose to his feet, still clutching Lady Mandeville’s hand in his own. Dear Lord, whatever had they stumbled upon? Colin and Lady Mandeville in some sort of compromising position? Brenna’s heart began to race. Nay , her mind screamed. Nay . It simply could not be.
    “Jane, Lady Brenna.”  Colin bowed stiffly in their direction . “You must excuse my...ahh, casual appearance.”  He reached for his coat and quickly donned it, his fingers flying over the buttons. “I had some business to discuss with Lord Mandeville, and I’m afraid I imposed on Lucy’s hospitality when I found he was not at home.”
    “You must be the Lady Brenna that Jane has spoken so affectionately of . You must forgive my manners,” Lady Mandeville said, reaching for Brenna’s hand and giving it a friendly squeeze. “I did not realize the hour had grown so late.” 
    Brenna found her voice . “I’m only glad to make your acquaintance at last, Lady Mandeville. I hope we did not interrupt—”
    “Not at all,” Colin said, running a hand through his hair . She hadn’t thought it possible, but he looked even more discomposed now than he had before. His eyes never once met hers. He looked...guilty. “It’s well past time I take my leave.” 
    “You mustn’t dash off on our account, Colin,” Jane said . “Hadn’t you some business with Mandeville? Stay, until he returns. And then you can go do whatever it is you gentlemen do when ladies leave you to your solitude.”
    His gaze finally collided with Brenna’s . “I’m afraid I haven’t much of a choice,” he answered, his voice suddenly cold.
    Brenna knew she ought to be relieved that he was leaving them . Her parents had forbidden her to remain in his company, after all. Judging by the icy way in which he was regarding her, it appeared her father or Hugh had spoken with him, told him that Brenna had been instructed to cease all

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