Under Seige
but you wouldn't be able to drive her the extra rehearsals." Shelby strolled to a stop in front of her father until he had no choice but to look at her.
    Julia saw the very minute Zach noticed Shelby's latest jewelry addition. Not that he said a word. His eyes narrowed, a tiny tic twitching. Julia couldn't help but wonder if that look of hundred-percent commander might be covering a flash of hurt very similar to the one she'd seen in Shelby.
    Finally, the teen broke eye contact and spun away. She flounced toward the door in a theatrical huff, mumbling, "It's so not fair that you two are the only ones allowed to make out in public places. I mean, geez, I saw you all over each other the minute we rounded the corner." The door slammed behind her.
    Zach pivoted on his boot heel to the security cop. "Evening, Chief. What do you have for me?''
    "Well, Colonel..." The chief hooked his thumbs in his in belt looking like he'd rather battle a pack of renegade rebels than deal with one curfew-busting teen of a senior officer. "The sergeant patrolling the golf course found your daughter and a young fella she says is her boyfriend tucked way in a patch of pine trees. The sergeant called to check with me, given who the young lady is and all."
    Zach shifted his attention to the night sky, scrubbing a land along his jaw. Julia stepped up to give him time to absorb what he'd heard.
    "And John Murdoch?" Julia asked, then held her breath, praying it had been John with Shelby because heaven help them if Shelby had any more surprises for her father tonight.
    'The sergeant escorted young Murdoch home. There wasn't alcohol or illegal substances involved, so there's no reason why we can't keep this a friendly visit. No need for official report."
    Zach nodded. "Thank you, Chief. I appreciate your making the special trip out."
    "No problem, sir. Since we're all finished here, I'll call it a night." Saluting, the uniformed cop snapped attention
    Zach returned the salute. "Have a good evening, Chief."
    "Good night, Colonel." He nodded to Julia. "Ma'am." He stepped back into his patrol car.
    Julia stayed quiet until he pulled out of the driveway, matter how much she wanted to run hard and fast from the turmoil brought on by one incredible kiss, she couldn't walk away from Zach now. Not with those broad shoulders so tense.
    At the very least, she should see him through the next few minutes. "Do you want me to go inside with you while you talk to her?"
    He shook his head, jaw so tight he could have flattened nails. Did the guy ever lose control? He strode to his motorcycle and swiped the radio off the seat.
    Julia stuffed her hands into her pockets to keep from stroking the trenches from his brow. "I don't mind if you think it would help."
    "No. Thank you." He paced through the carport, boots pounding an angry tattoo against the cement.
    "One conversation isn't going to fix this and if the past is anything to go by, she won't talk for another day at least."
    He nudged aside a stray bicycle helmet with his boot. "I'll ground her. Take away phone privileges."
    His boot tapped a bucket of sidewalk chalk into a corner, his words picking up speed, his every step heavier. "She'll roll her eyes, slam her door then pierce another damned body part the minute she's not grounded anymore."
    He kicked the wall. Julia winced.
    His shoulders rose and fell with each erratic breath, finally slowing. He turned to face her, his face impassive except for that small tic. He stalked toward her, carefully stepping over a scooter. "So, what's your answer? Will you marry me?"
    "I don't think now—"
    "I know we're not much of a prize," he plowed ahead. "Amessed-up teen and an eight-year-old Betty Crocker wannabe who breaks my heart she's so damned wary. And then there's me." He thumped his chest with a splayed hand. "I know I make a sorry excuse for a husband, but I like to think my friendship is rock-solid. If you take us on, I'll do my best by you and Patrick."
    In spite of a

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