Uncovering You 8: Redemption
without my permission again, you will be doing irreparable damage to everything we’ve accomplished between us. You will be annihilating your one chance of redemption. You will be destroying your one chance at…” I look him right in his storming eyes. “…love.”
    “God dammit, Lilly!” he hisses. “I hate it when you talk sense.”
    With that, his mouth crashes into mine.
    Given all that I’ve said, you’d think the impulse would be to fight. It is not. I’ve riled myself up talking to Jeremy. All that fire needs an outlet.
    It is this.
    I kiss him back with unabashed passion. Jeremy might think he is taking control—he is not. I am the one in the lead.
    I devour his mouth and claw my hands over his back, through his hair. I pull him toward me, needing to feel his every breath, his every heartbeat. Passion such as this lets me know I’m still alive. It reassures me that I still exert the ultimate control over Jeremy’s body.
    It is I who has the ultimate effect on him. I who evokes such animal ferocity.
    And I who chooses to give it back.
    His hands run down my body. He grabs my ass. He tugs me toward him, keeping me plastered there tight and hard. His erection against my stomach fills me with the most ravenous sort of need. I haven’t had him inside me for so long. My body is starved for the feeling his cock brings me.
    I jump up and wrap both my legs around him. He staggers back a step, then surges forward and crashes me into a wall.
    And still we’re kissing, devouring, clashing.
    He thrusts his hips into me. I give a small, shocked gasp. With me plastered against the wall like that, all I can think of is how good it is to have my body taken like this. How good it is when it is exactly what I want.
    How good it is when it is precisely what I need.
    “Lilly,” he grunts. “I can’t help it. I’m not going to stop.”
    “I’m not going to ask you to,” I say, and pull his head back to mine.
    Our lips meet again. Only this time, the kiss is interrupted by his tearing my clothes off.…and my doing the same to his.
    In short order, all that remains of our garments is a pile of discarded rags. I gasp again, and then moan in satiated pleasure as Jeremy pushes into me. The cold stone wall behind me steals my warmth. But the heat of Jeremy’s naked body against mine is like being pressed into an inferno. He consumes me. He makes me feel alive.
    He thrusts into me, again and again and again. I arch into him, my head falling back as far as it will go. He feasts on my neck, my breasts.
    And then he lets me slide down, and stares straight into my eyes. He doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t need to. All that we have between us is communicated in that omniscient stare. Words are meaningless. The connection I feel, looking into his eyes, having his cock fill my body, sparring the heat and intensity that radiates off him in soul-consuming waves…none of that needs to be communicated verbally. We’ve transcended that. We’ve reached some higher level of harmony.
    “Come for me, Lilly Flower,” he whispers.
    At his words, the floodgates open. My body is rocked by the most glorious orgasm. It comes both from him and from somewhere deep inside, from a place previously inaccessible to me simply because I did not know that it existed.
    Jeremy has shown me it does. And so much more. He’s opened my eyes to a vast sea of pleasure that is so good it hurts.
    I gasp and lose myself in its midst. It rolls through me for an inordinate amount of time: ceaseless, steady, never-ending. When it’s done—when I’m left barely conscious, clinging onto Jeremy’s hard shoulders like he’s my only anchor to the world—he kisses me softly and says,” I love you, too.”

Chapter Ten
    Waking up the next morning is as disorienting as waking up in the middle of last night.
    After we fucked—after I got so riled up and angry, and then used Jeremy as an outlet for my emotions—all the energy drained out of me. I

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